Inventory Duplication #8

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to sincerelynoodles
  • MithrandirMage created this issue Jun 1, 2014

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Whitelist some items on a group
    2. Set a vanilla gamerule on a world so that players don't lose Anything.
    3. Visit that world and die.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    Players should be retaining items according to the vanilla gamerule. Instead, players retain their items how they should, but the plugin is also giving them an aditional set of the same items, therefore duplicating them exponentially each time they die.

    What version of the product are you using?


    Do you have an error log of what happened?


    Please provide any additional information below.

    That's basically it.

  • MithrandirMage added the tags New Defect Jun 1, 2014

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