Insanity Run
Insanity Run is Temple Run for Minecraft
Do you like playing Temple Run on your iPhone or Android phone?
Well, here comes a plugin which does just that kinda thing! :)
It has many block types with different player effects and sound effects!
Now with a Scoreboard!!
Note: Time is in seconds as there's no way to do Strings for MM:SS
Note: If you wish to use this on Bukkit < 1.7.5 please use v2.8
Links to main pages
YouTube demo
YouTube video showing how to set up and play Insanity Run:
Video from VariationVault
Video from LtJim007
A run-through of a couple of runs
No pasting console errors to comments!!! Create a pastie or pastebin and link me! :)
Note that the config.yml file has the ability for you to add language translations. Currently supported: English. If you wish to translate as a favour, please get your updated config file to me! Leave the English in and just add your own fields. Pretty self explanatory if you look at the file.
Recent Changelog
- Updated to Spigot 1.10.2
- Tested with Vault and Essentials Economy successfully!
- adj/adl commands fixed!
- Changed to higher priority thread
- Changed sign yellow text to purple to make it easier to read
- Fixed mistaken sound effect
Filename is InsanityRun_3_6.jar so remember to delete the old version first!
InsanityRun is now Open Source GPL!
Please credit me as the original creator in your version.
I'm eager to see what new things you can create using my game! :)
If you like this plugin, please consider a Donation! :)
This plugin is feature complete!
I won't be doing any more updates unless it's to fix a major bug.
Thanks for all the support! :)
I could pop onto your server if you give me the address :)
Having an issue that makes it impossible to play. COULD be server lag but I'm not experiencing any with any other plugins.
I do "/irun join Test" and have the config set to auto kick someone if they idle for "5".
Immediately after executing the command I end up back where I was previously and get the message saying I idled for too long.
I'll consider that for 3.1 if I make one :) Good suggestion!
if it's a problem, reset the signs before the next reboot I guess :)
Well yeah they do but this guy is amazing at it and no one can beat him, but looks a bit shit showing the whole board as him
Hello, I was just wondering if you could do a custom language file that would allow me to change the colors. Right now I can only change the words.
My entire server follows a custom color design and this conflicts... a lot.
I'm curious to know what a /reload command would change often. The only thing I can think of is the 'blockheight detection' which I could make into it's own command if you need to change it often for testing.
Easier to get others to run as well :)
Is this just with 3.0.1 ? The only difference is @TheOnlyRealTGS's request fullfilled to stop people Teleporting. I fixed a rare bug.
would it be at all possible to filter the fastest times sign so that 1 player cant fill up the top slot with:
¦ NOTCH 0:59 ¦
¦ NOTCH 1:00 ¦
¦ NOTCH 1:00 ¦
¦ NOTCH 1:00 ¦
like just show players fastest time and not all their times? this is the ONLY bug i have with this otherwise AMAZING plugin, Well Done sir!
20-70 players daily on at once. it used to support 190 players last year when we were more popular
Strange. Works fine on my $40pm server and 100 others. Do you have hundreds of members online at once? Do you experience lag elsewhere?
Im running a $240 a month server with nfo servers . :/
Sounds like server lag. Unfortunately, I cannot fix that. This plugin by it's nature requires a lot of server power.
Sometimes the game glitches out and the players cannot progress they get auto kicked for idling even though they are still moving and never stopped
Request : Add a command for reloading the plugin
/irun config reload lots of errors
Please raise a ticket and post a link to a pastebin with your config file. It's trying to tell you that you don't have enough money to join, but it appears something is missing from the config file.
You need to 'setspawn'.
I am not getting any console errors. But I create an arena by doing /irun cre TempleRun and it says it was created and I type /irun join TempleRun but it says it doesn't exist and the sign says it doesn't exist either.