Insanity Run
Insanity Run is Temple Run for Minecraft
Do you like playing Temple Run on your iPhone or Android phone?
Well, here comes a plugin which does just that kinda thing! :)
It has many block types with different player effects and sound effects!
Now with a Scoreboard!!
Note: Time is in seconds as there's no way to do Strings for MM:SS
Note: If you wish to use this on Bukkit < 1.7.5 please use v2.8
Links to main pages
YouTube demo
YouTube video showing how to set up and play Insanity Run:
Video from VariationVault
Video from LtJim007
A run-through of a couple of runs
No pasting console errors to comments!!! Create a pastie or pastebin and link me! :)
Note that the config.yml file has the ability for you to add language translations. Currently supported: English. If you wish to translate as a favour, please get your updated config file to me! Leave the English in and just add your own fields. Pretty self explanatory if you look at the file.
Recent Changelog
- Updated to Spigot 1.10.2
- Tested with Vault and Essentials Economy successfully!
- adj/adl commands fixed!
- Changed to higher priority thread
- Changed sign yellow text to purple to make it easier to read
- Fixed mistaken sound effect
Filename is InsanityRun_3_6.jar so remember to delete the old version first!
InsanityRun is now Open Source GPL!
Please credit me as the original creator in your version.
I'm eager to see what new things you can create using my game! :)
If you like this plugin, please consider a Donation! :)
This plugin is feature complete!
I won't be doing any more updates unless it's to fix a major bug.
Thanks for all the support! :)
I love you thanks ! :D :D :D :D
I disabled Teleports in v3.0 listed above.
You can only go on a golden block once per game.
Hey there! are players eable to use things like /tpa ? I think that they are on my server.
Also, an option that they keep points after they die would be nice, but they should still only be eable to get points from a golden block once, until they reach new blocks. I think that they lose all points when they die, but then they wont be eable to get points at checkpoint a when they have already reached checkpoint b.
Okay. Just for you... DONE! :D
Update: This didn't work properly so I will have to do more programming.
Yup. They're not supposed to. You get paid when you complete, based on the amount set to pay out for completion.
That has always been in this plugin. You never lose food levels while playing.
Just for you.. DONE!
Update to 1.8.3 please ! So good plugin
Plz add the option that players dont need food levels,Becouse we run a big parkour with this plugins but players loosing there food levels and canot finish if there food level in low
So plz add the option that food can be locked in the config.
Hello, this is an super amazing plugin, and it is working very good. But I have 1 thing...
Could you add an sidebar with the Elapsed time and with the Coins. Then this plugin would be P E R F E C T
break the block behind it
It is not possible to break the fastest run signs once they are made.
@WauloK I would like to ask how to end the 1.4.7 version, 1.4.7 version without REDSTONE BLOCK
But the reward have the problem, not set, regardless of /irun setpay or /irun setcharge Right click to join the game will deduct money
Finally, ask, how to set up the gold block obtained money
hello and thx for this plugins
actually i have a prob, charge and pay work well , but coins earned by gold block won t be added to money after the game ends
plz help
Hello,it's a great plugin, But I think it's would be better if some details can be improved.
For example,set idleKickTime on/off . And,it will be more convenient if we can use a command to teleport to checkpoint,not limited to fall into water or lava. At last,you may add a top player recorder.and if someone break the record,the guy may get some rewards.
Thanks in advance.
Hello, First off plugin is great :) But I was just wondering, Is it possible for the fastest times board to be longer than two signs tall? It would be amazing if that could be bumped up to four or maybe even more if that were possible?
Thanks in advance
- Obeh :)
anyone wanna test it set up you can try on our server
I swear I saw a reload command listed somwhere. Very weird.
I never made a reload command.
You need to set the spawn or it will all be 0.0
- - Test
world: ''
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
pay: 0
charge: 0