Insanity Run
Insanity Run is Temple Run for Minecraft
Do you like playing Temple Run on your iPhone or Android phone?
Well, here comes a plugin which does just that kinda thing! :)
It has many block types with different player effects and sound effects!
Now with a Scoreboard!!
Note: Time is in seconds as there's no way to do Strings for MM:SS
Note: If you wish to use this on Bukkit < 1.7.5 please use v2.8
Links to main pages
YouTube demo
YouTube video showing how to set up and play Insanity Run:
Video from VariationVault
Video from LtJim007
A run-through of a couple of runs
No pasting console errors to comments!!! Create a pastie or pastebin and link me! :)
Note that the config.yml file has the ability for you to add language translations. Currently supported: English. If you wish to translate as a favour, please get your updated config file to me! Leave the English in and just add your own fields. Pretty self explanatory if you look at the file.
Recent Changelog
- Updated to Spigot 1.10.2
- Tested with Vault and Essentials Economy successfully!
- adj/adl commands fixed!
- Changed to higher priority thread
- Changed sign yellow text to purple to make it easier to read
- Fixed mistaken sound effect
Filename is InsanityRun_3_6.jar so remember to delete the old version first!
InsanityRun is now Open Source GPL!
Please credit me as the original creator in your version.
I'm eager to see what new things you can create using my game! :)
If you like this plugin, please consider a Donation! :)
This plugin is feature complete!
I won't be doing any more updates unless it's to fix a major bug.
Thanks for all the support! :)
You're the best!
Why not placing checkpoints using command? Snow and ice melt :D
v1.8: New admin only commands: (isokissa3)
/irun adj|adjoin <player> <arena> - place a player in the arena to run
/irun adl|adleave <player> <arena> - take player out of game arena
Added config key useCheckpoints. Set true and players teleport back to last checkpoint when in water/lava.
Glowstone is now a checkpoint. Players hitting water/lava after a checkpoint are reset to the checkpoint. (KyrumX)
Players are successfully sent back to starting sign on /irun leave (KyrumX)
I'll see about that for v1.8 possibly.
Woah! I missed that one! Thanks for pointing it out! I'll fix that in 1.7.1 or 1.8.
I have a couple of other cool ideas to add.
When my player use /irun leave arenaname they won't get teleported back to from where they joined anymore, they only get teleported back when they finish, is this normal from now on?
Yes, i got a really hard arena, and people keep asking if we could add Checkpoints.
Its no't irun arena and its. Its hard tell what i do. But anyway i need /irunadmin join and leave. You need come visit my server :d
You mean like something you run over and if you fall in water/lava you teleport back to that block instead of the start?
So... you create an irun arena and when people join the server, they are automatically teleported into the arena spawn?
Yeah. I need enable all players irun when they join server and easy use command when they join, but it fail when leave :d If you make bool "inGame" and save players names config and when he disconnect and join irun start but not moving he start location. ( My coming server is very intresting)
- Writet phone + bad English = disaster
You want an admin to force a player into a run??
Game less sensitive to players hitting blocks when jumping over them. Player can now land in lava and it's Game Over, same as water. Added config key noEndTeleport. Set true to stay at end and not teleport back to start.
Why irun need arena name when leaving? /irunadmin join <arena> <player> and /irunadmin leave <player> useaful... (Need it my server)
Working on lava. Have to figure how to stop damage from it. v1.7 will be less sensitive and let you successfully jump over blocks.
Some of that is quite complicated and maybe not do-able. Will see if I can do some later. But now, I've just done a huge update.
Okay.. Too many updates to list here, but go check out the above and other pages for new stuff for 1.6. This was a big rewrite and added a ton of new stuff. Now I need a lie down for a while XD
Add: If you fall lava restart game, possible add finish teleport location or disable teleport. If arena get damage like explode repair arena when game end. I want add tnt explode and sand fall down. Fix: And plugins is too sensitive. If you don't fall water but jump or go very close water it restart game :/ If you don't set spawn and start game you get console spam. If you leave game and come back it start same location but game not running. I like idea if you disconnect you can continue game same location.
Perhaps. I'm currently rewriting it to make it more efficient.