Insanity Run v1.6
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UploadedSep 16, 2013
Size40.24 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.6.2
New field for charging people to play:
Set 'vaultCharge ' to true to charge people to play.
New command: /irun setcharge <arena> <amount> - set amount to charge for a run.
New 'info' sign. Read about it in the Sign page.
Game counts how long you took to run and lets you know how fast you were.
New field for broadcasting run times to the server:
Set 'broadcastWins' to true to broadcast all run times.
Players can now no longer walk over the same gold block more than once.
Changed all player data to an object class. Makes things tidier and helped with the gold block recording.
Now I need a lie down. That was some megaprogramming!