# Variables for ingame-text: %name%,%world-name%,%players%,%gamemode%,%ip-address%,%item-in-hand% ! # Variables for system-motds: Special characters like: hearts,check,star,bar,arrow,pencil: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ingamemotd/pages/special-characters/ # If random: true, the system-motds will be shown randomly ! # If joinANDquitMSG: true, the "JoinMSG" & "QuitMSG" will work, if "false" will not work. # Here are the 2 of the MOTDS, ingame and system ! InGameMotdActive: true SystemMotdActive: true motd: ingame-text: '&9Welcome to the -newline-&4server&f! ' system-motds: - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&21' - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&22' - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&23' - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&24' - '&5DEFAULT&f-&cMOTD -newline-&9EXAMPLE:&25' random: false messages: Prefix: '&e[&2&lMOTD&e]&f ' NoPermission: '&4You dont have permission to do this!' SpecifyMessage: '&7Please specify a message!' ReloadConfig: '&bConfig has been reloaded!' ConfigReset: '&bConfig has been reset!' IngameSET: '&dIN-GAME MOTD set to: ' joinANDquitMSG: false JoinMSG: '&e-name- has joined the game.' QuitMSG: '&e-name- has quit the game.' Version: 1
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