

/website - This command will get the website you set in the config and display it. (v0.1)

/donate - This command will get the donation link you set in the config and display it. (v0.1)

/vote - This command will get the voting links you set in the config and display it. (v0.2)

/inforeload - This command reloads the configuration file. (v0.2) | Can also be used in console (v0.3)

/staff - This command displays staff that you set in the config. (v0.2)

/rules - This command displays rules that you set in the config. (v0.2)

/serverinfo - This command displays Uptime, Max Ram, Allocated Ram, Used Ram, Free Ram, Craftbukkit Version, Information Version. (v0.4) (prior to v1.1 used to be /ram)

/online - This command displays how many players are online. (v0.4)

/motd - This command displays the server motd. (v0.4)

/ip - This command displays the server ip. (v0.5)

/twitter - This command displays server twitter link. (v0.6)

/facebook - This command displays server facebook link. (v0.6)

/einfo - This command displays extra info (v0.7)

/youtube - This command displays server yourtube link. (v0.8)

/stats- This command displays: online mode, flight allowed, nether allowed, end allowed, view distance, default gamemode, spawn radius, animal spawn limit, monster spawn limit, ambient spawn limit, ticks per animal spawn, ticks per monster spawn, ops, cb version, and information version. (v1.0)

/setvote- This command adds voting links to the config. (v1.1)

/delvote- This command deletes voting links in he config. (v1.1)

/viewvote- This command allows you to see what voting links you have saved in the config. (v1.1) (Removed in v1.2)

/player <playername>- This command allows you to see basic information about a player. (v.0.?)

/infoupdate- This command allows you to manually check for update. (v1.5) *replaced by /ultimateupdate

/enchantall- This command enchants an item to its max. (v1.7) *removed in UltimatePlugin v1.1