
This is a copy of info.txt that the plugin creates the first time you run it.

!# Default info.txt
!# lines starting with "!#" will not be sent to players
!# to add a command, open commands.txt and type /'command' at the bottom e.g. /info
!# commands.txt is limited to 150 lines.
!# text files have to go by the format 'command'.txt, e.g. info.txt
!# motd does not have to be in the commands txt file, but it must be named motd.txt for motd to work
!# commands are loaded when the plugin is loaded, you can change the text files even after the server has started.
!# if you want to change the commands without restarting the server, type infoman reload in the console to reload the plugin.
!# motd can be disabled by typing infoman motd d in the console
!# "firstjoin" is an alternate motd that is shown to players the very first time they enter the server
!# "firstjoin" is enabled by default, this can be turned off by writing infoman firstjoin d in the console
!# or by changing the config.yml and setting the "FirstJoin" value to false.
!# if "firstjoin" works incorrectly, make sure the right world folder is specified in the config.
!# Command usage is only shown in the server log if "LogUsage" is set to true in the config, enabled by default.
!# Infoman supports permissions for every individual command that you register in commands.txt.
!# To enable permissions, set the "PermissionSupport" value to true in InfoMan's config.yml, permissions are disabled by default.
!# Even with permissions, every player can use all commands on the server unless they have the permission with the command's name.
!# Having the permission for a command will restrict usage of that command.
!# Permissions are as follows: "InfoMan." + the command without the / infront of it, e.g. "", "InfoMan.test".
!# Enabling permissions does nothing it itself, all commands can still be used by any player unless you add the permission nodes
!# to the individual player or the group the player belongs to. For example, giving "ExampleMan" the permission " true"
!# would render "ExampleMan" unable to use the command /info.
!# This may seem counter-intuitive, but in reality most servers will have many more freely available commands than admin-only commands,
!# and this will make managing of the permission nodes a bit simpler.
!# Functions:
!# CPLAYER = The writing player's name
!# CLIST = List of online players, much like the one you get in the server console when you type list
!# CTOT = Total amount of players online, e.g. when there are 50 players online, CTOT will be replaced with "50".
!# Text modification codes - they will change the color/format of all text behind the code
!# e.g. CGREENand CAQUACPLAYER will present the player with a green colored "and" and the player's name aqua colored
!# CNORM = Makes the text normal again
!# CITALIC = Italic text
!# CUNDERLINE = Underline
!# CSTRIKETHROUGH = Strikethrough text
!# CBOLD = Bold text // Keep in mind that this only works correctly when using the default font, change to pirate language to see the issues firsthand(doubled text).
!# CWHITE = White
!# CRED = Red
!# CBLUE = Blue
!# CYELLOW = Yellow
!# CGRAY = Gray
!# CBLACK = Black
!# CGOLD = Gold
!# CAQUA = Aqua
!# CGREEN = Green
!# CDARK_RED = Dark red
!# CDARK_GRAY = Dark gray
!# CDARK_BLUE = Dark blue
!# CDARK_PURPLE = Dark purple
!# CDARK_GREEN = Dark green
!# CDARK_AQUA = Dark aqua
!# CLIGHT_PURPLE = Light purple
!# if the config.yml is empty when you use the plugin for the first time, simply delete the config and reload the plugin
!# if any issues occur, do not hesitate to write a post in the bukkit thread:
!# here:
!# or here:


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