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UploadedAug 28, 2014
Size9.50 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
This is the first PR of V0.3.
Currently Implemented Features:
- Updated to be usable with 1.6.4 +
- Added full compatibility with trapped chests, dispensers, and droppers.
- Added ability for meta data and item names.
- New Sign Setup: Line 1: [ic], [infchest], [infinitechest] Line 2: (item id or name):(meta data) Line 3: (Stack amount 1-64)
- Updated some messages.
- Added new config option. Allow-Color-Code: (Default false) (Makes the first line turn blue upon correct setup)
- Anti-Bug added, if you try to put 0 or air as the block, it sets the container to dumpster mode.
- Anti-Bug added: If you try to put a number below 1 or higher than 64 it will revert to 64 within container.
- Anti-Bug added: Exclude EnderChest as being recognized by sign.
Full Features upon Full Release:
- Updated to be usable with 1.6.4 + Added full compatibility with trapped chests, dispensers, droppers, and furnaces (As Fuel)
- Allow you to hide the sign in multiple ways. You can attach the sign directly to the the item, or up to 2 blocks away.
- Added ability for meta data and item names.
- New Sign Setup: Line 1: [ic], [infchest], [infinitechest] Line 2: (item id or name):(meta data) Line 3: (Stack amount 1-64)
- Added new config option. Allow-Color-Code: (Default false) (Makes the first line turn blue upon correct setup)
- Anti-Bug added: If you try to put 0 or air as the block, it will be dumpster mode.
- Anti-Bug added: If you try to put an metadata id that is not real, it will pop the sign
- Anti-Bug added: If you try to put a number below 1 or higher than 64 it will revert to 64 within container.
- Anti-Bug added: Exclude EnderChest as being recognized by sign.
Messages don't necessarily make sense.