Have you ever wanted your containers to never run out of items? Well you are in luck this plugin does just that. It can make Dispensers shoot unlimited arrows or a chest give you unlimited diamond swords.
*Auto Refilling Containers:
- Chests and Trapped Chests will refill to completely full with the specified amount in each stack upon each opening.
- Dispensers and Droppers will refill empty slots upon opening and dispensing. (Most open them at least once to get the dispensing mechanism to work.)
- Furnaces fuel will refill upon opening and smelting. (Available in PR4)
- It uses a sign that is anywhere within 2 blocks of the container to tell it what to have in the container. (Upcoming)
Line 1: [ic] [infchest] or [infinitechest]
Line 2: (item id or name):(Meta Data)
Line 3: (Amount of items in each stack from 1-64)
*Dumpster Mode:
- You can set the material/item as either: 0, air, dumpster, or bin.
- Any items placed in will disappear upon next opening.
*Color Codes:
- Use-Color-Codes: (Default False)
- When set to true in the config, it will change the first line of the sign to Blue. (PR3)
infinitechests.placesign : Allows the creation of an infinite chests sign.
New Videos (Video Showcase):
Coming Soon
Original Videos:
Thanks to dub dub dubby wub (Low sound Quality)
Thanks to puffnuget and Hey0plugins
Extra Links:
Changelog: Link
Future Changelog (Future Plans): Link
Known Issues - Problems: Link
Tutorial: Link
Config: Link
All Videos: Link
For Latest Download:
Please take a look here:
Please submit a ticket and we will get it fixed as soon as possible
Could you please fix splash potions? I can't get them to work at all, all the splash variants revert to their drinkable counterparts. Thanks :)
Quick pick to show all working containers in PR4 now available on
Infinite Chests Containers
PR2 of V0.3 Approved. PR3 Uploaded awaiting approval.
You can get the PR3 version early through the link.
More updates coming soon.
Uploaded a PR2 of V 0.3. Awaiting approval.
This fixes known errors of the original PR.
Uploaded a PR of V 0.3. Awaiting approval.
If it gets approved, Please read the known caveats before posting any bugs.
The known caveats will be fixed in the full release of V 0.3.
Quick pic
From left to right: Chest, Trapped Chest, Dispenser, Dropper
All confirmed working.
Still in the process of adding furnace support and trying to squash some other bugs.
Known Bugs:
ToDo for release:
This has been moved to planning stage. I am in the talks with someone to help me update this plugin.
If all goes well an update can be posted in the next few days.
Quitter :(
So due to recent changes of bukkit and them breaking so many major plugins, i have officially quite the community completely no more coding, no more hosting bukkit servers. No more bukkit at all. The bukkit community has went far down hill the last couple of months and it made bukkit un-handleable. I am sorry about the inconvenience and getting your hopes up on any one who wanted this.
I can add that, but prolly won't be added until after full release currently i just need to get the plugin back up and running and finish all that was already planned.
the plugin did have the dispensers coded to have a block behind the dispenser and a sign on that block to make the dispenser unlimited, of course now you can not prolly use this plugin what so ever since it prolly broke around the time they fully rewrote bukkit.
if you ended up pming me on the 7th that you posted i would of prolly got it and would of been able to get you the code before i went to boot camp on the 8th once i start the rewrite which will be after I refamiliarize myself with bukkit again i could possibly add you to the project if you are interested.
Yes it was a fork and from the looks of things your updating habits are exactly the same, you don't update, of course i don't got a better record due to the fact i went to boot camp and stuff.
I am hoping to bring this project back alive. We will just have to see how everything goes and ill try to keep everyone posted.
(The poll will have an effect on if the plugin will become active again)
Not technically... anymore :(
This is a fork of my plugin that was outdated.
A new version of InfChests that is completly rewritten and very stable with dispenser support is available now.
Hey, if someone can find the source for me I might be able to update this!
Does this work with dispensers
How about make it to where only one player can take 1 thing from any chest and it refills for the next player this could be good for cutom dungeons loot etc.
@kvartz if you get alpha release 2 it has [infchest] and [ic] so you should be able to use your old signs mayb, but also any new signs you make you can use [ic] for it to be quicker use.
P.S. i do say mayb because this does use a different named config and everything, so you will just have to test
infchest was great. can you keep as [infchest] on signs, if you change it I'll need to rewrite a bizillion of signs. thnx for keeping this awesome plugin alive
technically it already is infinite due to how it refills everytime you close the chest and the point for this plugin isnt to regulate how much people can take its, meant to keep you chests full always, its to supply people with stuff to build with or some sort of thing like that. Like on my server i use it to give people sticks for my portal stick world, i dont really care how many they take considering that the chest will just refill.