1.5.2-R0.1 [R3]


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  • Uploaded
    Jun 8, 2013
  • Size
    35.90 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.2-R0.1


#2771(Beta) R2 -> #2771 (Beta) R3

  • Fixed issue with Below.Teleport.PreventFalldamage causing a NullPointerException.
  • Added support for leaves decaying, sign text changes and blocks falling (fixes anvils and other falling blocks not disappearing when they fall).
  • Fixed WorldHandler processing events from other worlds.
  • Fixed NPE when calling a subcommand.

UpdateNotifier enabled!

#2754 (Beta) R3 -> #2771 (Beta) R1

  • inception update and inception cfg are not yet implemented, so their permissions are currently useless.
  • Inception currently registers a lot of Listeners when Overlapping is enabled: This is going to change in the future for the sake of speed and efficiency.
  • There is currently no caching involved when overlapping is enabled. This will be changed in the future, to be more efficient.
  • Inventories are not yet mirrored across worlds, as these interactions are complex.