ImageMaps is a plugin for Bukkit Minecraft servers that enables you to place custom images in your world by rendering them onto maps and placing them in item frames.
This can be used to create info graphics, custom paintings and even the appearance of custom textures.
You will need a Server that implements Bukkit 1.13 or newer and the Spigot-API. Some features are only available in newer releases. Make sure to use the latest release of your server software before reporting issues.
Put the plugin into your servers plugins
folder and start it up. A folder for the plugin will be created automatically. You can place your images in the images
folder inside it.
Upgrading from versions < 1.0.0
The plugin should convert your maps.yml automatically. It will attempt to create a backup before doing so, but it is recommended to do one manually as well.
In order for you use place images they must be present in the images
folder. You can either put them there via FTP or just copying it, or by using the plugin's download command, allowing you to access images from the Internet.
To place images just run the /imagemap place
command and right click the block that should be the upper left corner of the image (based on your perspective).
Images will by default split into 128x128 pixel sub-images to fit on a map. The image may be scaled via command parameters, however it is recommended to prepare correctly scaled images.
The color palette of Minecraft maps is very limited, requiring the plugin/Bukkit to convert the input image. This will result in your images looking different ingame than the source. The available color table can be found here:
The invisible and fixed item frame properties are only available in 1.16+. You can modify them for any item frame by using a configurable (default a wooden hoe) items. Right click to toggle visibility and Shift+Right click to toggle the fixed state.
- /imagemap place <filename> [frameInvisible] [frameFixed] [frameGlowing] [size]
- Starts the placement process
- frameVisible and frameFixed are only available on 1.16+
- frameGlowing is only available on 1.17+
- /imagemap download <filename> <sourceURL>
- downloads an image from the given URL into the
- downloads an image from the given URL into the
- /imagemap delete <filename>
- deletes an image from the
- deletes an image from the
- /imagemap info <filename>
- prints info, such as resolution and expected size
- /imagemap reload <filename>
- reloads an image, to be used when the image file changed
- /imagemap list [page]
- lists all images in the
- lists all images in the
- /imagemap help [command]
- prints help for commands
- grants access to all permissions
- grants access to /imagemap place command
- grants access to /download place command
- grants access to /imagemap delete command
- grants access to /imagemap info command
- grants access to /imagemap list command
- grants access to /imagemap reload command
- grants access to /imagemap help command
- allows to toggle the "fixed" state of frames with a wooden hoe
- allows to toggle the "visible" state of frames with a wooden hoe
All permissions are default true for OPs.
You will need to configure your environment to access GitHub repositories.
<name>ImageMaps repository</name>
This plugin has been developed for the CraftCitizen survival Minecraft server.
What happens when you try?
There is no possible way to place an image that is 256x128 for me and I've tried every single dimension possible. It just won't work.
There are 3 ways this message can occur: 1. You clicked a wrong blockface 2. You used a invalid image name 3. There is not enough space to place the image
1. and 2. trigger also cause a message in the server log, so it should be easy to find out.
hey i just installed your plugin and i am trying to do what it says and its not working. Wherever i try to right click on the upper left corner it says i cannot place the image there. Please help!!! Thanks
Great plugin! Have a look at the screenshots the links below lead you to!
Also, this is the best of all other plugins like this! The only thing I do not like is I need to use something to resize the pictures to make them the size I want.
I would highly recommend!
This is a great plugin man. I didn't even realise you could do this with maps. Thanks a bunch.
thing is its not missing the library.. cus after i restart it after this error.. it works perfectly fine
After some code lookup and googling it seems, like it is a problem with your Java/Linux installation. There is really nothing I can fix, as these errors happen deep inside CraftBukkit/JVM code. Basicly it's missing a class/library.
And I'm not enough Linux pro to give you an ultimate answer to fix it, sorry...
works sometimes.. and other times i get this...
Okay, I still did not manage to reproduce the error. As ItemFrames are entities, it's really strange that you see the frame and they disappear after a relog.
Are you able to reproduce this behaviour on a controlled enviroment, where you are able to remove plugins to see if another plugin is causing the problem?
Also, are you able to pick the map out of the frame before it disappears? This way you could at least repair the images with the picked maps...
Version: 1.7.2-R0.4
Not sure about plugin conflicts. I have one called AntiFrame that prevents people from breaking frames in protected areas and also WorldGuard which also has some frame protection. Other than that, I don't know what would conflict.
That's really strange. What CB version are you using, and is there any plugin that may have some conflicts with this one?
It doesn't seem to be breaking, just disappearing. I tried using the command in survival mode, still did the same thing.
This is after using the command:
This is after relogging:
Happens every time. =/
I could not reproduce the problem on my local server, so I would suspect that you or something else on your server destroys the image by accident.
Are you in creative mode when creating the image? If yes, try it without and look if there are map items on the ground, when the problem occures.
When I try to use this, the top-left most image disappears after logging out and back into the server. The item frame, as well as the rest of the image, remains.
When we're talking about a completly new image with a new, currently unused, file name there is no need for a restart or reload in any way.
Just move the image to the folder and start using it ingame.
Would a reload command be possible so that servers dont have to be restarted when a new image is placed in the files?
Check your serverlog if there is an additional message.
There are basicly 3 options how this message can pop up.
1. The specified file does not exists (make sure you include the file ending!) - you can use Tab-Complete for the file name.
2. There are solid blocks where the item frames would be placed.
3. You tried to place the image with clicking on a illegal block face (basicly upper side or lower side)
1. and 3. will create a message in your log, so it should be easy to see what's the reason.
Hey Sydmontague.
This looks like a nice plugin but I am having some problems using it.
I do the following but doesnt seem to work for me I am doing something wrong but dont know what.
Stand on the ground and type /imagemap Tinalund01
Then it tells me to click on the left upper corner. I have tried this range from 10 block to 100 block but i gett this message:
"Can't place the the image here!"
What I am do need to do?
Pleased to hear
Yes, you need to restart the server in order to see the changed image. I'll look into adding some kind of reload command, but I just uploaded 0.3.1, so I don't want to push another update too soon...
If WorldEdit supports moving ItemFrames while keeping all of their data (items), it's like moving the images around. (Afaik it does not) Also, there is no performance hit in making a new instance of an existing image. It will reuse the maps if you have multiple instances of the same map. A fullHD picture will always use the same 135 maps, no matter who often you placed it in the world.
Fast mode can be activated by adding a "true" after the image file in the command. If you're creating a fastMode image of a already existing slowMode image it will override the slowmode image, making all instances of this image to fastMode. (This way you could also change a slowMode image into a fastMode one.)
However, I need to say that, even if the map_xx.dat files are not used by the plugin, they are created for every map I need to create. Therefore, they count towards the 2^16 limit, even if they aren't used by the plugin anymore. They just act like normal maps after that.
However, you could use over 400 different FullHD images and you would still have over 10000 maps left for your players.