It Just Might Happen
It just Might happen tries to implement alot of those small things that many have thought of through the time of MineCraft. The plugin started out as a reality implementation, but it is moving to something in between, with the many requests to different effects.
I am pretty sure that some of the effects would be hated on one server but loved on another. That is why the v1.1.4 offered full control of almost every option to each effect. If you only like 1 effect, the turn the rest off, or make them happen so rarely as fit.
- On fire Player has a chance to catch fire when using flint and steel. Water/bucket is used to put it out.
- Foodpoisoning Player has a chance of catching foodpoisoning when eathing raw food. Milk is used to cure it.
- Struck by Lightning Player has chance to get struck by lightning when standing under a tree in a storm. Control it with cooldown and disable biomes.
- Concussion Player gets a concussion from larger falls in 3 steps. a) Damage of 4,8,12. b) For servers with fall_damage:off or low, it compares falldistance instead.
- Step 1 - Mild concussion: confusion effect.
- Step 2 - Severe concussion: confusion- and slow effect.
- Step 3 - Traumatic concussion: blindness-, confusion- and slow effect
- Electrocution Player gets electrocuted when standing on redstone while powered state is on and chance for massive voltage!
- Cows do kick! Milking cows from front now gives a message, while milking from the back gives a kick backwards leading to a minor concussion. Please read "Known Bugs"
- Crafting Thumb While crafting chance to strike your thumb, chance reduced if crafting more than one, but at chance like 1 in a million you could die from crafting 64 at a time.
- The Happy Miner On player breaking blocks a chance to get tired (slowdig) or energized (fastdig). Being tired and breaking blocks will trigger hunger too.
- Roses have Thorns When walking through roses or rose bushes, players gets slowed and takes damage from the thorns.
- Brew Explosion Chance for a brewstand to explode upon a finished brew. Configurable explosion and leave a sign to the owner.
- Squid Defense! Chance that Squids defend themselves with damage (poison) and ink (blindness).
- Fisherman on hook Chance to catch more items or catch mobs while fishing (items and mobs are configurable).
- Bump on the Rail Chance to get thrown out of the minecart when on curves.
- Bow Breaker Chance to break Bow during PvP.
- Sticky Tar Sloweffect when walking over black wool.
- Quicksand Chance to get sucked into the ground if not jumped enough to get loose. (only when raining configurable)
- Dizzy In the Desert Chance during sunny daytime to get thirsty/dizzy.
- Row your Boat Chance for boat to sink and player will have to fight in order not to drown.
- Heavy Duty Armor now reduce walk- and flyspeed based on protection points.
- Zombie Nation A zombie has a chance to raise upon player getting killed.
- Sneaky Pickup In order to pickup items, you will have to sneak.
- World Drop Chance for items to fall out of the sky around players online.
- BuggyBlock Check (100% default) for a range of blocktypes to break underneath the player.
- Unstable TNT Chance for TNT, when placed, to explode instantly and kill player.
- Near Death Players near death will get disoriented and blinded.
- Crazy Combat What could happen when you draw your sword?
- Fair Play, when players with CREATIVE MODE hit other players, their gamemode changes to SURVIVAL.
- Only weapons do damage, choose what weapons can cause damage.
- Sparks, when players fights with swords a spark can ignite them both.
- Backfire, damage goes back to the attacker.
- Splinter, wooden sword has a chance to give splinters.
- Bow Snaps, bow snawps fingers.
- Weapon Breaks, weapons breaks during combat.
- Kill Rush, after killing another player, there is a chance to get stronger and full health.
Messages (language.yml)
In the ijmh-folder on your server you will find the language.yml, from there you can change every message sent when something is triggered.
/ijmh - List of effects and commands and if they are currently on or off
/ijmh version - Show and compare version with latest released
/ijmh update - Turn new version notification on/off
/ijmh <effectname / part of effectname> toggle - Turn af effect on/off
Modifying values
/ijmh <effectname / part of effectname> - Shows a list of current values and HowTo change them.
/ijmh <effectname / part of effectname> <option1>:<value1> <option2>:<value2> etc. - Changes the the values of option 1, 2 etc.
Valuetypes: (Differs between effects)
- skipworld: The worlds to be skipped. Same command will create and remove them.
- skipbiome: The biomes to be skipped. Same command will create and remove them.
- message (true/false): turn messages to users on/off
- whenrain (true/false): if true only happens during rain.
- whendesert (true/false): if true only happens in the desert.
- whenzombie (true/false): if true only happens when killer was a zombie.
- chance (1-100): chance that an effect will happen
- chancemod (1+): modify a chance to go below 1%, eg. chancemod of 10 gives 1% / 10 = 0.1% chance.
- damage (1+): Damage that player will suffer. 1 damage = ½ hearth.
- modifier (1-5): The strength of the effect. (For Heavy Duty values are >0 and <=1)
- duration (1+): Time that an effect lasts on player in seconds.
- cooldown (1+): Time before an effect can happen to a player agin in seconds.
- signs (true/false): Place a sign with a message when event has happened (eg. brew explosion).
- items (item): The item to be given. Same command will create and remove them.
- mobs (entity): The mobs to be spawned. Same command will create and remove them.
ijmh.immunity.*: Immunity to all events. (Full list of immunity per feature is found here)
ijmh.admin: Grant access to toggle effects on/off and version check.(default:OP)
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
please update, also i noticed a bug where if players right click armor in their inventory it dosnt weigh them down when equipped
Is there a way to make Quicksand only affect sand & not sandstone/other sand products?
I posted a ticket. Thought everyone should know.
@nsordk: Any planned maintenance for this plugin?
You can't hide names on entities without making the entire entity invisible.
Also, that suggestion sounds more within the scope of mob-spawning plugins (ahem, like OtherDrops).
Hey, Awesome plugin! I was wondering if you could make it so there is about a 1% chance to spawn a rainbow sheep (A sheep named jeb_), maybe also hide the name? Thanks.
No matter how many time i change it, the doubletrouble section reverts default.
I set it to:
chancemod: 1
min: 1
message: true
chance: 2
max: 3
And it just reverts to:
chancemod: 1
min: 2
message: true
chance: 5
max: 3
could you please update "Features" section to include information about all the newer events? also is there a reload command for the plugin?
You need to provide me with some information, do you see any errors in serverlog?
i installed the 1.7.2 version. but it doesnt work.. can you help me??
Thanks for the reply!
v2.4.0 is waiting for approval
- Cleanup / Recoded depricated classes
- Fixed error in "Row your Boat" that effected "Bump in the Rail"
- Added Rose Bushes to "Roses have Thorns
Some rly good and "crazy" ideas. Commadore Alpha, you gave me a bit of reading, but your summonup in last post was thumbs up.
I have just made rose bushes hurt aswell, and I was thinking to make the bushes have its own damage option, maybe to let players use it as fence for their homes, let me know if this is interesting. Also expanding to other dead bushes, maybe with different effects/damage could be interesting.
The sand in eyes when mining close to it could be fun to do, and maybe add that it rotates the player so that he suddenly breaks something else because he couldn't see clearly.
The diving in lava is a good idea, I would love to send the message "Pufff, you died" to the user for diving in lava.
Thank you all again for taking time to perfect this old plugin, I am truely honored :D
Last comment for now - I promise!
Sorry about the double-comment (going on triple), but it might be necessary for the sake of not keeping one constant stream of text-walling. Also, that's a habit I've got to stop. But I'm going to respond to each comment point-by-point because I love this plugin that much. :D
There is no easy way to distinguish between scraping against lava (presumably a wall of lava or a lava-fall) and "diving" into a pool of lava (in other words, entering lava vertically). I would imagine implementing such a feature would be resource-intensive, but it should be able to be done. It will probably have a few issues, though.
Lava dripping is a client-side particle effect; again, no easier, resource-free way to do this. The most direct way I could imagine would be to detect if a player is "x" blocks away from a lava block, is directly under the lava block, and if there is only one solid block in between player and aforementioned lava block. But to make sure damage doesn't multiply by the "depth" of the lava pool (because the check would be reiterated for each lava block, as lava blocks aren't solid), this mechanic would also have to factor in lava-blocks as solid blocks, or just take the closest lava-block directly above the player. I'm not a developer, so let's just say I don't actually know anything about this stuff. ;)
Similar issue with your slow-mining wet-block idea, although I'm not exactly sure why mining a wet block would be slower. I'd imagine the pressure the water exerts on the block, in addition to the fact that it's soaked in water, would make it easier to "collapse". But hey, "wet" stone blocks ain't all that realistic either.
"Chancemod" is the "dividing factor" for the "chance" parameter. The chancemod is the number you divide the chance by, so a higher chancemod means a smaller chance.
Minor bleeding is a good idea, and should be a part of crazy combat. But let's not take it too far and consider, "Oh, but what if it gets infected?" Anyone can get infected with anything at anytime, given the right vector. :)
Gaining stamina would require tracking players and keeping data on each player - completely out of the scope of this plugin. The idea of this plugin is to focus on "chance occurrences" that are seemingly unlikely to happen, but could happen anyhow.
Electrocuting then becoming slow (and perhaps even weak) makes sense - I've gotten electrocuted in real life, and couldn't walk straight for two seconds afterwards. But because you soiled your pants? You could soil your pants at anything - for example, something frightening you. And people don't soil their pants that easily. And if you actually soiled your pants in Minecraft, there'd be a big problem: Minecraft doesn't have any bathrooms. :D
Vomiting to reduce food poisoning duration sounds like a good idea, but I'm not exactly sure what "vomiting" does to the player. I'm just going to assume it means to instantly lose some hunger.
....I'm pretty sure I criticised your third suggestion too harshly, so no need to elaborate on this point. :|
Some of the crazy suggestions that have recently come up are hilarious, but are
a bitway too specific. I don't mean to shoot anyone down, but let me take one as an example:"When shot with a bow in the "naughty places" it also gives a chance for soiling your pants but makes the player who did that laugh uncontrollably, giving him resistance."
With this logic, I can make any event follow any event, no matter how improbable it may be (which is strange for me to say, considering the title and aim of this plugin). For example, I could easily suggest an idea where if I were to hit someone with my fist, it would count as "smacking", my hand might get hurt, and I would take light damage from it. Who knows, I might even bust my wrist causing me to be unable to attack for 2-6 seconds.
I will concede that while the ideas suggested in the last few comments are funny and lighthearted, they're (I would think) too specific to implement as they are now (they can be nuanced into something much more generic). I'm very aware that one could just "turn off" any feature they don't want, but that's not the issue. If there's too many features (think CraftBook or Essentials) to sift through, the plugin's structure could easily get confusing.
For example, in addition to "hurting your fist", I could also suggest a very similar feature, but with a different scenario. But wait, I don't have to because I know the plugin already has one: CraftingThumb. You craft something and accidentally smack your thumb with a sawblade. If all the suggestions were like this and kept on coming, the list would quickly become endless. I'm not saying CraftingThumb should be removed, I'm saying there should be some sort of filter for newer suggestions, which leads me to my next paragraph...
So, I might suggest a "filter" for some ideas, consisting in two parts: "How flexible is the idea" and "How realistic is it". All (or maybe most, but it doesn't matter) the ideas currently implemented, and all the ideas on the todo list pretty much have both covered.
"Flexibility" refers to the "reasoning" behind the scenario. If the reasoning behind the event is far too specific, and/or does not necessarily follow, then chances are it's not a good idea to implement (although probably hilarious). For example, nailing someone in the "naughty parts" with an arrow, then laughing, then getting resistance is far too specific. First off, one can easily laugh without the plugin's help: it's called chat (you can say "lol"). Second off, why resistance? Why not any potion effect? But then, why would you get a potion effect from laughing?
"Realism" is somewhat self-explanatory. Here, I'm talking Minecraft realism, so it goes hand-in-hand with the aforementioned criterion. Getting a leak in your boat is realistic. Getting potion effects from laughing is not. Getting struck by lightning while mining underground is not (not that anyone has suggested this idea). Events that are insignificant, and rely on coincidence as why events should follow, rather than any sort of "logic" are not necessarily realistic. For example, "chance of losing boots by walking on clay," doesn't necessarily follow. Why does it have to be clay, and why do you have to lose your boots? They could be made of diamond, and a thief could be nearby. But that would be a big coincidence too...
Eh, I sound a bit of a nitpicky ass, but I only want what's best for the plugin - and I didn't mean to be harsh on anybody. Perhaps just their ideas (I'll be honest here), but no one in particular. To be fair, there are some good ideas too: "vomiting" to decrease poisoning duration, going blind when digging overhead gravel/sand, and "chance" (should be a guarantee actually) that jumping into water too hard hurts you. The rest of the ideas... well... that's up to the dev to decide. ;)
If there is a way to differenciate between scraping against lava and diving in, maybe have lava insta kill if you dive in?
You could also cause minor player damage while under rock that is under lava (when lava is slowly dripping through rock above).
Similarly, you could have the mining go slightly slower if water is above and dripping through (representing wet work place).
Having trouble figuring out chance with things to happen. Looking at double trouble and "chancemod" and "chance." What number is to happen more and what is less. Is it a scale to 100 thing?
Yay noob questions!!!
Haha, no worries, good you found it, then the administration of the plugin isn't to terrible :D
Shoot didn't delete in time. I just located it thank you! Pretty sure I'm set now lol.
Keep up the good work man.