Unfortunately, I must discontinue this plugin because I am too busy with other stuff (studies etc.).
This plugin enables you to disguise as every mob or as another player.
It is possible to disguise as some non-living mobs as well (e.g. falling blocks).
Download the latest version (1.13.2, 1.12, 1.11, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.8.8)
iDisguise WIKI
iDisguise on Twitter
iDisguise on
Source code on GitHub
WARNING: Please note that plugin files which you download from and are NOT approved by the Bukkit Staff! Therefore it is highly recommended to download the plugin files from here (
Basic Usage
To disguise as a mob, just type /d and then append the mob type (e.g. zombie).
To disguise as a player, type /d player and then append a player name (e.g. Dinnerbone).
Please note that you can only see other players' disguise not your own.
More information can be found on the new iDisguise WIKI.
Video tutorial by ServerMiner:
To change how the plugin behaves, you can modify the configuration file. More information can be found on the Config page.
To Do List
disguise entities(5.7.1)see-through feature(5.6.4)viewable disguises(5.8.1)
Suggestions are always welcome!
Regretfully, I am forced to disable Bukkit's ticket tracker for this plugin, since I got tons of spam posts in the last days. As of now, support is only given via private messages and discussion posts on
Please send me a private message and provide the following information:
- Minecraft version, server software and server version, plugin version
- What did you do?
- What did you expect to happen?
- What actually happened?
- Errors or warnings (console logs)
Please do not post your console logs below!
Plugins using iDisguise
- iDisguiseAdditions by RobinGrether
- iDisguiseWG by RobinGrether
- MobHunting by Rocologo
- FactionsPlus by MarkehMe
- MobAbilities by RobinGrether
Special Features
This plugin includes an update checker, which automatically checks whether an update is available every time you restart/reload your server. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled by changing updates.check (check-for-updates for 5.2 and lower) to false in the config.yml (config.txt for 5.2 and lower). (update/version informations come from which provides a secure API for this)
This plugin also includes an auto-update function, which automatically downloads every update available. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by changing to true in the config.yml. Of course, this feature only works if updates.check is enabled as well. (updates are downloaded directly from so you are safe from malicious content)
This plugin integrates bStats Metrics to collect and evaluate some statistics. Visit the Plugin Metrics page to find more information about what stats are collected from your server, where they are sent to and how you can disable this if you don't want it.
Hello, do you think there is any way you could implement these features for me? Its some pretty good ideas: I own a pvp server and i want to give my donors permission to disguise as a mob, and I've done that, but i'd like them only to have it for a certain amount of time, like a cooldown feature, it can only be used for e.g. 5 mins at a time, and you need to wait maybe 30 min to use it again. Plus, it'd b cool if you could have different types of donors (i have more than 1 donor rank) have different times, maybe like have a config file that includes the cooldown timer and how long it can be used at once, also have a part in the config that you enter all you group names into (compatible with group manager preferably) and you enter the times. Thanks, if this would be added i would throroughly appreciate it!
Also, ive noticed a bug: when someone disguises, with armour on, when they undisguise they loose the armour
I'm trying to edit the permissions so's that if a player is a certain type of rank, example: rank 1. They can only get disguised as a sheep or chicken but if they go to rank 2 they can be disguised as a creeper as well. But i cannot do this because i dont know how to edit the permissions or even find the permissions.
It's possible to disguise as a player who has herobrine skin, but I wouldn't like to buy an account simply to have this function. If you found a player who has herobrine skin, you could disguise as this player.
why not? if you can disguise as a play you can disguise as herobrine also MD was able to do that so it is possible.
I'm sorry, but this is not possible.
Please add herobrine skin
It'll be fixed in version 1.6 of the plugin, but I don't think this version will be released until Minecraft 1.5 is out.
Yeah, undisguise on hit doesn't work please fix it soon
you don't get undisguised when hit?
not work for me.
undisguise-on-hit: true
save-disguises: false
R: iDisguise v1.5.5 for 1.4.7
craftbukkit 1.4.7
Undisguise all
not work internal error :D
It won't undisguise when someone hits me
Hello, Could you make a feature/permission for some people to be able to see through disguised players?
/disguise zombie baby /disguise villager baby
Plutonium2222 skype
Don't use v1.5.5 with CB1.4.6, it doesn't work.
Startup Error
Newest Version (v1.5.5) running on the 1.4.7-R0.1 Beta Build of CB gives this error on bootup and doesnt initialize
Ignore this
v1.5.5 is for CraftBukkit version 1.4.7, it won't work if you use others.
I've already uploaded the new version, but it's not in the list so far. It'll be there soon.
Here's the download link: iDisguise v1.5.5
Please!!! update for 1.4.7!