
Since version 0.4, iChatPlayerList now supports custom formatting for Tab name and for Displayname. Both options are also optional.


/ichatplayerlist reload : Players with the permissions "ichatplayerlist" can use this to reload the configuration.

Configuration file

OPSymbol: '*'
This is the symbol to display for the flag $OP. The symbol will show only if the player is OP. Can contain colors (e.g.&2).

CreativeSymbol: ''
This is the symbol to display for the flag $CREATIVE. The symbol will show only if the player is in gamemode creative. Can contain colors (e.g.&2).

SurvivalSymbol: '!'
This is the symbol to display for the flag $SURVIVAL. The symbol will show only if the player is in gamemode survival. Can contain colors (e.g.&2).

ShowBothStatus: false
When this is true and the player is OP, only the OP symbol will show. If it's false, both the OP symbol and the Creative/Survival symbol will show.

TooLongTabNameSymbol: '..'
When names exceed 16 characters on the Tab list, they will be truncated and this will be added at the end of the name. Put empty '' for not symbol. NOTE: Each colors take 2 characters. Meaning if you end up with 2 colors, you lose 4 characters from my name

ShowInTAB: true
Enables the plugin to modify the Tab list using the tab format.

Format to be used when building the tab list name. See below for flag references.

ShowInDisplayName: true
Enables the plugin to modify the Displayname using the display name format.

Format to be used when building the tab list name. See below for flag references.

ShowInOverhead: true
You must have tagAPI installed. Colors your "over head" name or tag.

Format to be used for showing on the tag name. See below for flag references.

ColorNamesInChat: true
If it finds in chat a name corresponding to an online player, it will add in front the last color of the prefix of that player and after the name it will insert the last color of the suffix of that player. If you do not have suffix set, it is suggested to set them to &f.

Flag list

This is the possible flags that can be used in the tab and display name formats. NOTE: You can also add text and colors in the format.

$OP : Shows when the player is OP.
$CREATIVE : Shows when the player is in creative mode.
$SURVIVAL : Shows when the player is in survival mode.
$NAME : Shows the player name (Username)
$DISPLAYNAME : Shows the player display name. NOTE: Flag not available for the Display name format.
$PREFIX : Shows the full prefix
$SUFFIX : Shows the full suffix
$FIRSTCOLORPREFIX : Shows the first color of the prefix.
$FIRSTCOLORSUFFIX : Shows the first color of the suffix.
$LASTCOLORPREFIX : Shows the last color of the prefix.
$LASTCOLORSUFFIX : Shows the last color of the suffix.


Prefix : &4[King]
Suffix : &f
Name : DefaultUser
Result : &4DefaultUser&f

Other format examples :


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