
All auction features are accessed through the /auction command

Key <Required> [optional]

Starting Auctions

/auction start <price> <time> - Opens the New Auction GUI Player then moves their items they want to auction into the inventory and presses the diamond axe to start the auction

The auction is then queued

Auction Info

/auction help - shows basic help (configurable in language file)

/auction list - Lists all auctions in the queue

/auction info - Opens the information GUI for the current auction

Auction Announcements

/auction listen - Enables announcements for auctions to the player

/auction mute - Disables announcements for auctions to the player

Stopping Auctions

/auction end - Ends the auction early (Transaction occurs with current highest bidder)

/auction cancel - Ends the auction early (Transaction does not happen)

Auction Bidding

/auction bid <bid> [secretbid]

Secret Bidding

While secret bidding you must have the funds equivalent to the secret bid.

The Public bid associated with this bid has to be greater than the current auction bid

The secret bid in turn has to be larger than the bid.

When another player bids above the public bid but below the secret bid the bid is raised but the original player still wins the auction

When another player bids above the public bid and above the secret bid the bid is raised and the player wins the auction

Item Collection

/auction collect - Opens the item collect GUI (Acts like a chest yet player can only move items to their inventory)