
The language config is generated on first run of iAuction. It supports Formatting using the & symbol Etc &1 or &a It also supports multiple lines by inserting {n} Finally each node may have optional arguments such as the time remaining in auction.timeleft and those are inserted using {number}
Node Purpose Arguments
tag The tag appended to ALL Announcements (Not Player specific messages)
start.wrongargs Wrong usage of start command
start.hasauction Already has auction queued
start.collection Player cannot start an auction due to a pending collection
start.timehigh The time given is too long
start.timelow The time given is too short
start.pricehigh The price given is too high
start.pricehigh The price given is too low
Help The help given when using /auction help The notification given when using /auction mute
listen.on The notification given when using /auction listen
stop.nowiner Snnounced when there is no winer to the auction
stop.returned The notification when items are returned to the auctionowner
stop.winner Announced when there is a winer to the auction {0} - The winner's name
stop.enjoy The notificarion to the winner when the auction is won
stop.sold Notification to the auction owner when the auction lot is sold
auction.collection The notification when a player has to collect items Information shown on /auction list {0} - Number in list | {1} - Owner name | {2} - Time | {3} - Price
auction.listtitle The title of /auction list
auction.start The announcement when a new auction starts {0} - Owner name| {1} - List of items | {2} - price
auction.timeleft The Announcement when the timer ticks down {0} - Time left
bidding.owner The notification when an owner tries to bid on their own auction
bidding.toolow The notification when the bid is too low
bidding.collection The notification when a player tries to bid when they have items to collect
bidding.notenoughmoney The notification when a bidder does not have the funds to bid
bidding.raised The announcement when the bidding has been raised {0}- New bid | {1} - New winner
bidding.sbidraised The announcement when the bidding has been raised but is below a secret bid {0} -New bid
bidding.winner The notification when the current winner tries to bid
bidding.sbidnotenabled The notification when a player tries to secret bid when secret bidding is not enabled
bidding.sbidtoolow The notification when the secret bid is too low
bidding.minincrement The notification when a player does not bid the minimum increment above the previous bid {0} - Min increment
error.perm The error when the player does not have permission to perform the action
error.economy The error when no economy is found
error.invalidcommand The error when an invalid command is issued
error.nocollect The notification when a player uses /auction collect with no items to collect