iAuction v4.1


  • Filename
  • Uploaded by
  • Uploaded
    Dec 13, 2011
  • Size
    15.08 KB
  • Downloads
  • MD5

Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.0.1-R1


Total Rewrite

Stripped out colours and Secret/maximum bids

NEW COMMAND: /auction cancel - Stop's the auction without transfering money or items (Return's items to Owner)

New Configuration File (Delete old file)

  maxtime: Maximum Auction Length (0 = No limit)
  mintime: Minimum Auction length (0 = No limit)
  maxbid: Maximum starting bid (0 = No limit)
  maxbid: Maximum Bid (0 = No limit)
  minbid: Minimum Bid (0 = No limit)
  enable: Enables/Disables Herochat Integration
  channel: Herochat Channel to broadcast to
  enable: Enables/Disables CraftIRC  Integration
  tag: IRC Channel to broadcast to
  enabled: Enables/Disables Antisnipe functionality
  value: Increment of antisnipe (after a new bid)
decimalcurrency: If Decimal currency is allowed Such as Dollars / Cents

Fixed NPE and using names for starting a auction.

Antisnipe , HeroChat and CraftIRC still included.

New Permissions (Using SuperPerms):

"auction.admin" - Allows the stoppage and Cancelling of Auctions
"auction.start" - Allows the starting of Auctions
"auction.info" - Allows people to see Auction Info
"auction.bid" - Allows people to bid on Auctions

NOW USING VAULT API you REQUIRE http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/vault/

Vault API sometimes enables after iAuction For fix go you thWiki page on Fixing Vault Bug An error will notify you if this happens

Please submit any other Bugs in the tickets section