iAuction Auction House

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

iAuction Auction House, by iEmeraldd and EternalShift, is a plugin that allows you to use simple auctions ingame with the typing of a single command. Using this plugin will allow items to be sold with ease and speed with real-time displays and easy to read GUI's.

This project was originally started by Faithcaio, taken over by me, iEmeraldd and EternalShift. Full credit on the idea goes to Faithcaio and their development team. To browse the original product, please visit http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/auctionhouse/.

Work in Progress. For more information on the status of this item, please send [email protected] an email with your questions, comments, or ideas. Thank you for your support while we work on this plugin.

This is our designed plan for the project:

Create auctions bid on them and get your lovely items!

This plugin provides an AuctionHouse for your economy server. (Vault needed!)

AuctionHouse is simple to use:

You only need one command to bid on auctions! Everything else an be done by simply clicking on the AuctionHouse signs!

But if you want you can enable the other chat commands such as:

Adding auctions, removing auctions, undo bids, search for specified items, get infos about your auctions and much more! As Admin you can also start auctions as server so you can cheat in items if you want.

AuctionHouse also provides a system to punish people who bid more money than they have. By default 20% of their bid.

When an auction ends the item gets into the AuctionBox which is a virtual container for all your Items won.

Keep in mind items get deleted after 2 days (by default) in the Box.

If you don't want some items to be sold you can simply add them to the blacklist.

AuctionHouse also have language support in english and german. (I could do french too if requested)

You can enable or disable every single command with the permissions.

For example you could give only the "auctionhouse.use", "auctionhouse.command.bid" and "auctionhouse.sign.use"

to a user who is only allowed to bid on auction and use signs to start/search auctions and receive Items.

"auctionhouse.user.command" allows general usage of all normal commands and signs!

"auctionhouse.mod" grants permission to remove auction of other users and to create new AuctionHouse signs.

Finally "auctionhouse.admin" gives all permissions for every command such as removing all active auctions on your server.

AuctionHouse is my first plugin. If you have found any bugs, or have got any suggestions, please feel free to create a ticket or contact me on IRC!

Features: Create auctions with different length and startbid. Add your item in hand or specify the item! Enchantments do work too! Add multiple auctions at once. Add auctions as server. Bid on auctions. Undo your bid after configurable time. Abort your own auctions or even all auctions. Subscribe to auctions and materials to get notified. Get your items from everywhere or use signs. And much more...

planned features:

auctionbox as chest with separate inventory flatfile for starting planned serverauctions Commands: /ah help : Shows available commands /ah add : Adds an auction /ah remove : Removes an auction /ah bid : Bids on an auction /ah confirm : Confirms a request /ah list : Lists all auctions /ah search : Search for auctions /ah info : Information about auctions /ah getItems : Receive Items from won or aborted auctions /ah notify : Changes notification /ah subscribe : Subscribes to auctions or material /ah unsubscribe : Unsubscribes auctions or material /ah undoBid : Undo bids /ah reload : reload the plugin Signs: 1st Line: [AuctionHouse] or [ah] AuctionBox Sign: 2nd Line: AuctionBox StartAuction Sign: 2nd Line: Start 3rd Line: <auctionlength> 4th Line: [startbid] ListAuctions Sign: 2nd Line: List or AuctionSearch 3rd Line: [ItemFilter] or All Creating AuctionHouse signs is NOT case sensitive! The sign will adjust itself! To use the sign simply rightclick on it. The Start sign will start an auction with your item in hand To destroy AuctionHouse signs you have to sneak!

Permissions: Grouped permissions:

auctionhouse.*: Can do everything (OPs have this by default) auctionhouse.admin: Same auctionhouse.user: General use of the plugin. Can not start auctions / receive items with commands auctionhouse.user.command: All normal commands auctionhouse.mod: delete auctions from other player / create AuctionHouse signs auctionhouse.use All permissions:

auctionhouse.command.* All Commands auctionhouse.command.add auctionhouse.command.add.server auctionhouse.command.add.cheatItems auctionhouse.command.add.multi auctionhouse.command.add.nolomit auctionhouse.command.sub auctionhouse.command.bid auctionhouse.command.bid.infinite auctionhouse.command.undobid auctionhouse.command.delete.all Can delete ALL auctions auctionhouse.command.delete.player auctionhouse.command.delete.id auctionhouse.command.delete.player.other auctionhouse.command.delete.server auctionhouse.command.info.* auctionhouse.command.info auctionhouse.command.info.others auctionhouse.command.notify auctionhouse.command.search auctionhouse.command.getItems auctionhouse.sign.* Use & Create Signs auctionhouse.sign.use Use signs auctionhouse.sign.auctionbox auctionhouse.sign.start auctionhouse.sign.list auctionhouse.sign.create.* Create signs auctionhouse.sign.create.box auctionhouse.sign.create.add auctionhouse.sign.create.list


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