how-to/Make a For Hire Clerk - Admins Only

A "for hire" clerk is a merchant NPC that can be hired by a player, to work at a shop owned by that player. The player will pay the clerk a "commission" percentage of all sales made by that clerk. The percentage is configurable.

1. Create a hypermerchant npc.
/npc create Gary
/trait hypermerchant

2. Set HyperMerchant "forhire".
/hmerch forhire

Now a player who owns a shop may click on merchant "Gary" and they will see a message like this:
If you hire Gary, you will pay Gary 10.0 percent of all sales made by Gary.
Within 10 seconds enter the name of the shop you want Gary to work at.

Stephen's Shop

Doug's Discount Double Deals



Only shops belonging to the player are listed.

The player will type a shop name and Gary will be instantly teleported to that shop.


You can configure the "commission" that Gary is paid with the following command:
/hmerch commission [percentage]
where [percentage] is a number between 0 and 100.

While Gary works for the player, Gary is a clerk, and all /clerk commands can be used.
The player can fire Gary at any time with the command /fireclerk or /clerk fire.