how-to/Make a Clerk NPC - Players

A player can make a clerk NPC to work their HyperConomy playershop.

Stand in your playershop.

Type the command:

/clerk hire Gary

A clerk NPC named Gary will spawn in your player shop.
To position Gary in the playershop, stand where you would like Gary to be located and type /clerk tp
Gary will be teleported to your location.

You can change Gary's NPC type.
First, make sure you have Gary selected:

/clerk select Gary
/clerk type sheep
Gary is a sheep!

You can change what Gary says to your customers.
Gary has greeting, farewell, closed, and denial messages.

To change the greeting, for example:

/clerk greeting Welcome to Third Person Gary's shop!
Now when a player initiates trade with Gary, Gary will say "Welcome to Third Person Gary's shop!"

The denial message is used when a player is not allowed to interact with your shop:

/clerk denial Gary don't like the look in your eye; Also Gary been instructed not to trade with you.

The closed message is used when Gary is offduty:

/clerk closed Gary is closed, come back later tater!

The farewell message is used when the customer closes the shop menu:
/clerk farewell Thanks for the business, business customer.


You can toggle Gary on and off duty with /clerk offduty

When It's Gary's time to go, fire him with /clerk fire

To see a list of all your clerks, use the command /clerk list