

- Enable/Disable use of the /shopmenu command. If set to "false" no one will be able to use. (this feature not yet implemented. Use permissions for now.)
enable-command: true

- Enable/Disable use of hypermerchant npcs and the /hmerch command. (this feature not yet implemented. Use permissions for now.)
enable-npcs: true

- Whether newly created HyperMerchant npcs are set to "offduty" by default
offduty: true

- Use uuid instead of player names for npc and shop ownership
uuid_support: true

- Which language you will use. See the languages folder for available options
language: en_us


- default message text for newly created HyperMerchant npcs
welcome: Hi Everybody!
farewell: Thanks for the business, pal.
denial: I'm afraid you are not a shop member. I am not authorized to do business with you.
closed: I am sorry, I am closed for business at this time.

- Message said by an npc who has been toggled as "/forhire"
forHireMsg: I am ready to work!

- Message said by an npc who has been toggled as "/rental"
rentalMsg: Rent this shop space, and I work as your clerk.


- The account name that owns rental shops when they are not rented out
default-rental-owner: server

- Whether shop owners can create a hired npc with "/hiremerchant"
npc-for-hire: true

- The percentage of the sale price the shop owner has to "pay" the npc when the npc makes a sale
npc-commission: 10.0

- The amount the player must initially pay to rent a shop from npc.
npc-rental-price: 0.0

- Enable players right clicking on a shop owner to open a shop menu
right-click-player-shop: true

- Require shop owners to be inside their shop for right clicking them to work
onduty-in-shop-only: true

- Force players to only position their clerk npcs inside of their shop boundaries. (This feature new in version 1.4)
npc-in-shop-only: true

- The limit on how many clerk npcs each player can hire. (This feature new in version 1.4)
max-npcs-per-player: 2