Commands and Permissions


  • /shopmenu - Opens the interface for the store the player is currently standing in.
  • /remotemenu [shop name] - Open the interface to whichever shop's name is specified.
  • /managemenu - Opens the management interface for the shop the player is currently standing in.
  • /rmanage [shop name] - Open the management interface to whichever shop's name is specified.
  • /onduty - Toggle whether a shop owner can be clicked on to open their shop's menu. (new in version1.31)
  • /clerk [subcommand] (arguments) - Player commands for hiring and managing a clerk npc for their playershop.
  • /hmerchant [subcommand] (arguments) - Admin commands for managing a hypermerchant npc for all shops.
  • /closeshop - Command for player to permanently close a shop that they have rented, until someone else rents it.
  • /fireclerk - Commands to fire a clerk that was hired by clicking. i.e. a clerk who was toggled /forhire.*

*clerk subcommands
(the following commands have optional [--id idnum] flag for your clerk editing convenience)
(commands operate upon the currently selected npc, unless the [--id] flag is specified)

  • [setshop] (shop name) - Assign clerk npc to a shop that you own.
    Example: /clerk setshop my_shop_name

  • [tp] - Teleport a clerk to your current position.
    Example: /clerk tp

  • [select] (clerk ID) - Select a clerk by ID.
    Example: /clerk select 94

  • [type] (mob type) - Change which type of mob a clerk is.
    Example: /clerk type zombie

  • [hire] (clerk_name) [clerk_type] [-s shop_name] - Hire a new clerk to work in one of your shops. Clerk will be assigned to the shop you are standing in, or you can specify a shop name with the [-s] flag.
    Example: /clerk hire Roger - This will create a player clerk, named Roger
    Example: /clerk hire Gary zombie - This will create a zombie clerk named Gary
    Example: /clerk hire Phil -s FlowerMart -This will create a player clerk named Phil and assign him to the shop called FlowerMart.

  • [fire] - Fire your currently selected clerk, or whichever clerk you specify with the --id flag.
    Example: /clerk fire

  • [offduty] - Toggle whether a clerk is offduty or not.
    Example: /clerk offduty

  • [greeting] (welcome message) - Set message said by clerk when player right-clicks. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /clerk greeting Welcome to my shop!

  • [farewell] (goodbye message) - Set message said by clerk when player closes menu. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /clerk farewell Goodbye, valued customer.

  • [closed] (offduty message) - Set message said by clerk when offduty, or shop is closed. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /clerk closed I'm on my break, talk to me some other time

  • [denial] (deny service message) - Set message said by clerk player doesn't have permission to shop. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /clerk denial I'm sorry, you aren't a store member.

  • [info] - List information of single clerk NPC
    Example: /clerk info

  • [list] - List information of all your clerk NPCs.
    Example: /clerk list*

*hmerchant subcommands
(the following commands now have optional [--id idnum] flag for your npc editing convenience)
(commands operate upon the currently selected npc, unless the [--id] flag is specified)

  • [setshop] (shop name) - Assign hypermerchant npc to a shop. The npc does not need to be inside the shop.
    Example: /hmerch setshop food_mart

  • [offduty] - Toggle whether a hypermerchant is offduty or not.
    Example: /hmerch offduty

  • [forhire] - Toggle a hypermerchant as "forhire". A player can talk to then hire "forhire" merchants.
    Example: /hmerch forhire

  • [rental] - Toggle whether a hypermerchant will rent his playershop out for a player to use. Merchant must already be assigned to a playershop.
    Example: /hmerch rental

  • [greeting] (welcome message) - Set message said by npc when player right-clicks. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /hmerch greeting Welcome to my shop!

  • [farewell] (goodbye message) - Set message said by npc when player closes menu. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /hmerch farewell Goodbye, valued customer.

  • [closed] (offduty message) - Set message said by npc when offduty, shop is closed, or npc is not assigned to a shop. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /hmerch closed I'm on my break, talk to me some other time

  • [denial] (deny service message) - Set message said by npc player doesn't have permission to shop. Leave empty for none.
    Example: /hmerch denial I'm sorry, you aren't a store member.

  • [comission] (percent) - Set the comission percentage a clerk makes at a player shop. Any number between 0 and 100.
    Example: /hmerch comission 15.

  • [info] - List information of single hypermerchant NPC
    Example: /hmerch info

  • [list] - List information of all hypermerchant NPCs.
    Example: /hmerch list


  • - Allows use of the /storemenu and /managemenu commands.
  • hypermerchant.remote - Allows use of the /remotemenu command.
  • hypermerchant.rmanage - Allows use of the /rmanage command.
  • hypermerchant.onduty - Allows use of the /onduty command.
  • hypermerchant.npc - Allow interaction with hypermerchant npc.
  • hypermerchant.clerk - Allow use of the /clerk command.
  • hypermerchant.manage - Allow use of the /hmerchant command.
  • creative.hypermerchant - Allow use of shop menus while in creative mode. BE CAREFUL WITH THIS.