HorseStats v3.0


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    May 10, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.3



See Known Caveats below. Shout out to LB for helping me squash some bugs! Prepare yourself.

  • Added "Cripple Mode". This disables the speed function of the stat display to avoid crashing the entire plugin when the server is running a CraftBukkit build that does not match that of HorseStats.
  • Added a console warning on plugin start if Cripple Mode is active.
  • Added a console warning on plugin start if the config is out of date.
  • Added permission node "HorseStats.pluginalerts". If Cripple Mode is active, or the config is out of date, having this permission will send a message alerting you to these issues, when you join the server.
  • Added command /setstat and permission node "HorseStats.setstat".
  • Moved horse ownership correction system to its own event listener. Horses that are tamed with no owner will now be reset when they are born. If anyone notices that horses are still tamed but not owned, please leave a comment and I will add this back to the lead function.
  • Renamed /ownerset to /setowner, and its permission "HorseStats.ownerset" has been changed to "HorseStats.setowner".
  • Each command now has a dedicated Command Executor, instead of one global executor.
  • /htp was tweaked a bit. You should not notice any changes. Sorry, but it looks like for now, horses will only be teleportable from loaded chunks.
  • I noticed that /hspawn is no longer spawning horses with identical stats. I did absolutely nothing to cause this, so praise the Bukkit gods.
  • Message output system was shifted over to an enum class.
  • Added a new config setting, "saddleLock". Unlike the pre-existing "nonOwnerHorseInteraction", Saddle Lock will only affect horses that are saddled. The two settings are completely independent of each other, however because NonOwner...Meh affects every owned horse, it will override Saddle Lock. tl;dr Pick one or the other, or neither, but not both. Both of these settings default to false.
  • Fixed an issue that may have made NonOwner...Meh do absolutely nothing.
  • Your config WILL be outdated with this update. Please take note of your settings, and delete it. A new config will generate next time you start or reload your server.
  • The config contains two fields, "configVersion" and "HorseStatsIsRunning". Do NOT modify these. Modifying Config Version will cause HorseStats to give bogus outdated config warnings. HorseStats does not use HorseStats Is Running to adapt to other builds. This is for administrator reference to know what build HorseStats is expecting, but not dependent on.


-This build has not been tested for full functionality. Please report any atypical behavior.

-Updated to use CB 1.7.8-R0.1 (Yes, it says 1.7.2-R0.3, this is because Bukkit is technically still running on 1.7.2.)

-Because this version of Bukkit was released right in the middle of things, I had to drop a command I was working on. It will be ready on v2.2.1.

-The speed calculation was modified to be more accurate. It may appear that your horses are now fairly faster, but the speed should finally be accurate.

-Jump height calculation has been modified, but is not accurate still. I am getting close to a solution, but there is still a fair margin of error.


-Reupload of v2.0 because submission policy changes were not made aware until my build was denied.

-Updated to use CB 1.7.2-R0.2

-Update checker removed because BukkitDev no longer trusts parsing their own RSS feeds, so from now on, you will have to manually check for updates.

-A lot of commands and permissions were renamed or deleted, as well as some new ones. To save my sanity and yours, you can see a clean command and permission list by visiting the Commands and Permissions page. It is updated for v2.2. Trust me, its prettier than cramming it all in here.


-Updated for Minecraft 1.7.2

Please take care in running this build. As CraftBukkit is according to Bukkit unstable right now, it is possible that something may derp out, but as of now all seems to be well.


-The same as v1.6, but reformatted for Minecraft 1.6.4.

-If you still use Minecraft 1.6.2, use HorseStats v1.6 and earlier.

-This build is marked as alpha, as it uses a development build of CraftBukkit. It should work fine, but will be bumped to beta then release when CraftBukkit releases a beta and recommended build, respectively.


-Added command /changeowner <player>

-Fixed a server side bug where some horses can be flagged as tamed, but without an owner.

-Within the actual Minecraft server, it is possible for some horses (particularly those that were bred) to be flagged as tamed, but without an owner. In other words, it is tamed and can be ridden, along with use of its inventory, but if you /untame or hit it, or do any other function that checks if you own the horse, the plugin will think it is someone else's horse.

-To fix this, when one of these horses is hit with a lead, in the background it will now forcefully un-tame the horse and make it tamable so you can legitimately own the horse.

-Do not panic, this will not untame legitimately tamed and owned horses.


-Fixed a permission bug preventing players from using /horsestats


I suggest deleting your old config files to refresh it; old settings have been removed and it will not do this automatically.

I have no way of testing permissions on my local server; please PM or comment if something is not working.

-Changed a few things around on a coding level.

-No feature additions or changes.


I suggest deleting your old config files to refresh it; old settings have been removed and it will not do this automatically.

I have no way of testing permissions on my local server; please PM or comment if something is not working.

+Added command setstyle

+Permissions fully functional

+Command Handler Overhauled

-Removed warning systems

-Removed no command mode and horse teleport config settings


+Added permission node "HorseStats.untame"

+Added permission node "HorseStats.delhorseinfo"

+Added permission node "HorseStats.horsetp"

-Changed permission node "HorseStats.spawnhorse" to "HorseStats.hspawn"

+Added config setting "noCommandsMode" (disables all commands for all players)

+Added config setting "allowHorseTeleporting" (disables horse teleporting for all players)

+Added config setting "allowMultiWorldTeleporting" (prevents teleporting horses between worlds)


I was not able to thoroughly test this build; please leave a comment if you find a bug.

+Added config setting to lock out non-owners from riding horses/accessing horse inventories (does not apply to untamed horses)

-A typo fix


+Added command /horsetp

+Added function to select horses for tp (punch it with an ender pearl)

-A few subtle changes in text prompts

-Note: Speed value worked in testing, but has been reported to not work on some servers.If it doesn't work, just ignore it.

-Cleaned up code a bit


+Added command /hspawn <donkey|mule>

+Added permission node "HorseStats.spawnHorse"

+Added permission node "HorseStats.*" (Gives all permission nodes)

+Added permission node "HorseStats.allCommands" (Gives all command based permissions [/slayhorse, /hspawn, etc])

+Added permission node "HorseStats.allWarnings" (Gives all warning based permissions [permsWarning, attackWarning])

-Cleaned up code a bit


+Added update checker

+Added config.yml

+Added config setting for horseGrief (Can a horse be killed by a non owner or not)

+Added config setting for enabling/disabling update checker

These next two are more of a funny 'easter egg' than an improvement:

+Added optional argument to /slayhorse allowing the target horse to be launched in air

+Added config setting for launching horses with "/slayhorse launch"

But now back to more serious updates:

+Added command /delhorseinfo <name|chest> (Deletes a horse's custom name or equipped chest, based on specified argument. Chest contents will be lost, and name is not recoverable.)

+Added permission nodes HorseStats.attackWarning and HorseStats.permsWarning

-Warning systems may do nothing; I need some feedback as I cannot reliably test this on a local server. If they are in fact broken, I will release this same version without them.

-Fixed a few instances where the plugin didn't reply to player actions

-Renamed /removeownership to /untame

-Fixed bug where the owner could not shoot their own horse.

-Made jump statistic more accurate (was 0.2 or so blocks lower than actual; value is now accurate to a tenth of a block)


-Uploaded Alpha Version

  • Despite its flawless operation during testing, I just discovered on the server I play on that the "Owner" field in the stat display is consistently returning "none". Still don't know if it is vanilla or Bukkit doing it, or for that matter what even makes this happen. Will add the owner fix back to the lead hit in v3.0.1. This should resolve the issue, but will require you to re-tame your horses. Sorry but there's no other way to fix this :/
  • Because of the above issue, horseGrief, saddleLock and nonOwnerHorseInteraction may behave in odd ways.
  • If you are not experiencing the above issue, please PM me or comment. It may help me pinpoint the source of this.
  • Horses still bug out if teleported across worlds.