Honeypot - Honeypots (griefer traps)
Authors: Argomirr, andune, dog.big, BeastsMC
Supports 1.6.X and 1.7.X
A plugin that allows Op's to create so called "honeypots," traps to identify and take care of dishonest players. Using the /honeypot or /hp commands you can turn any block into a honeypot: if a griefer tries to break it, everyone online will be alerted and the violation will be logged so an admin can take action, and optionally, Honeypot can kick or ban said player automatically. The block will be replaced, the trap reset - ready to catch the next griefer before he knows it.
For example, you can place a little shrine with valuable blocks such as gold near your spawn, and turn them into honeypots. When a griefer logs in, sees nobody around and decides the shiny blocks on that shrine would look so much better in his house, he's already given himself away.
A few videos that demo Honeypot in action: Video 1 | Video 2
Can you add support for XYZ ban plugin?
No, I won't. Please read the author's note at the bottom of this page. However, I've made it really easy for you to do it yourself and contribute. Read about it here.
- Plug 'n play - just drop Honeypot.jar in your plugins directory, and you're good to go
- Identify and take care of dishonest players (almost) entirely automatically
- Very easy to use
- Full logging of honeypot violations
- Configurable via a .properties file
- Changeable ban and kick/info reason
- Supports MCBans, EasyBan, UltraBan, KiwiAdmin, vanilla bans and Permissions
- Supports points feature for advanced needs, read the link for more info
- PHP script for showing Honeypot ban logs online: link (courtesy of @jellehen)
How to install and configure
- To install Honeypot, drop Honeypot.jar into your plugins directory, and run the server once. The plugin will generate a new directory, plugins/Honeypot, where you can find the honeypot violation log (honeypot.log), the properties file (honeypot.properties) and a file used to store honeypot data (list.ncsv).
- Open honeypot.properties with your favorite text editor and make any changes you want, then run your server again.
- A little note: if you wish to enable the ban feature, set the kick feature to false. Note that you need to have MCBans installed in order for banning to work.
- Permission nodes for the Permissions plugin (2.7 and also PEX with compatibility core):
honeypot.break # Can the user destroy honeypots? honeypot.create # Can the user place honeypots using /honeypot?
- Congratulations, you've set up your honeypot! You can set up as many honeypots as you like, but keep in mind that this system was not designed to be used as an area protection plugin, so don't apply /hp to every block on your house. See How to use bellow.
How to use
You can now log in and use /honeypot or /hp (Op's only, at this time) to start the process of making a honeypot. You will now be prompted to right click a block with the tool you specified (default: wooden axe) to create a honeypot. You can select any block, but it's recommended you choose a shiny block - something a griefer would want to break - and make sure it doesn't look like an obvious trap. (A single diamond block in the middle of nowhere looks somewhat suspicious, don't you agree?) You can keep selecting blocks until you exit the honeypot creation process by entering the /honeypot or /hp command again. To destroy the honeypot, simply have any Op break it and the block will be dropped as normal.
One more thing: honeypot data will automatically be saved once the server stops, but you can also apply a manual save by using /honeypot save or /hp s to prevent data loss in case of a server crash.
Author's note (andune)
This plugin was originally written by Argomirr. Though his last post related to Honeypot was April 18, 2011, I found value in this plugin and so have kept it updated through newer Bukkit versions and have released it here for others to continue to enjoy as well. Some features have been added at my whim (such as banPoints and WorldEdit region support), but I am not accepting feature requests. If you want a new feature or some new ban plugin supported, please pull the source and write it yourself. Here's a brief guide showing how to add a ban plugin to Honeypot. I WILL NOT help you with coding issues. If you can't figure it out, keep trying/learning until you can, or just use the custom ban type.
Source Code
And thanks to godsyn for the idea.
Hmm, apparently it never was, and neither were the original save/reload commands. I've modified the command permission so that all commands require the 'honeypot.create' permission, so enabling/disabling that permission will control honeypot creation.
It is released as v1.4.4.1. Whenever the Bukkit admins get around to it (I see 1.4.4 still isn't approved yet).
What is the permission node for the WorldEdit command: /hp region ? I only want server ops to be able to use WorldEdit to create honeypots, so I need to remove this permission from my other ranks.
Regarding /rban, yes you could use the custom type to do that. Test it out.
For block break, it depends on how you have it configured. In the default "original" mode, one block break = instaban/kick, so the block break was canceled (the block was never actually removed from game). In points mode, you assign blocks different point values and when the player exceeds a certain point value, they get ban/kicked. In this mode, blocks are actually removed and then put back later by Honeypot.
Click on the 'pages' tab and read through the online docs.
In order to use Mcbans /rban command would I need to set honeypot to custom? Does the block actually break when someone breaks a honeypot or no?
New release v1.4.4 has been posted. With MCBans 4.0 running, Honeypot v1.4.4 loads and Honeypot and MCBans see each other (as opposed to CNFE before), although I haven't tested actual bans happening, so if someone could check that out and report back, that would be great.
Also note I took the time to finally refactor the ban subsystem, so it is really easy to add support for new ban systems now for all of you who have been asking. Here's an example of all it took to support EasyBan. You can read more about how to contribute here.
I've been working on this today and will have an update out in the next 24 hours, which includes a refactor of the Ban system to be easier for people to contribute new ban plugins.
Did some digging, turns out on here for download does not include the mcbans 4.0 api changes. GitHub does have the changes there but it was not compiled into for some reason.
I guess if you just recompile GitHub's repo it will work for 4.0 nicely. I might go do that myself.
How does this work with WorldEdit? Like, what's the steps I need to take to create a honeypot area using WorldEdit?
Just executing /ban from the console would be good.
No worries, I would go fix it myself normally but fixing a different plugin right now (yay minecart mania for OLD broken code).
When you have a dev/test build I'll check it out no problem.
Thanks for the heads up. I pulled MCBans support directly from the MCBans4 author, although I didn't get a chance to do any testing myself. Either something changed since the pull was made (it was a pre-4.0 snapshot) or I messed something up with the pull/release. I'll look into it and do some testing myself, I appreciate the error report.
Honeypot says to only use it with MCBans 4.0 which is what I tried. However, it throws out exceptions like when it is the wrong mcbans version.
22:19:44 [INFO] [Antares-MGMT] Plugin Info: Honeypot
22:19:44 [INFO] Version:
22:19:44 [INFO] Status: Enabled
22:20:02 [INFO] [Antares-MGMT] Plugin Info: MCBans
22:20:02 [INFO] Version: 4.0
22:20:02 [INFO] Status: Enabled
I guess something is not correctly updated in
While you already have it in other posts:
2012-12-24 22:19:19 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Honeypot v1.4.3.2 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mcbans/firestar/mcbans/BukkitInterface
at com.argo.bukkit.util.BansHandler.setupbanHandler(BansHandler.java:73)
It seems for a use case like yours, where you have mcbans and Honeypot but don't care to have them integrated, it would be nice to be able to turn off the Honeypot ban code altogether if 'banFlag' is false. Or even to override the auto-detection code so you could drop back to just issuing console ban commands when the latest mcbans update breaks Honeypot.
It's open source, feel free to make those changes and send me a git pull request and I'll be happy to publish it with those features for you and your fellow Honeypot users to enjoy.
I can understand it not working with new versions of MCBans... but simply having a new version of MCBans installed causing honeypot not to work. Even with "globalBan: false"... Is there anyway to not have honeypot hook MCBans and the still work as expected? I don't need honeypot to auto-ban players through MCBans, basically.
That's the error I got with MCBans Diamond 3.9 R1. Which is not a bleeding edge build.
Honeypot uses the mcbans API, which often changes from one version to the next. The MCBans author (syam) has submitted a pull request for MCBans 4.0, so that will be merged whenever MCBans 4.0 is released.
If you depend on MCBans and Honeypot working together, then you shouldn't run bleeding edge builds; wait until a new release of Honeypot has been released corresponding to new MCBans updates.
Figured out the issue, it does not hook right with the newest MCBans builds.
Done that, I have downloaded the list.ncsv and keep it on my desktop,
I restart the server, and when I go to use any HP command it just returns the command I typed in white. So I have to restart the server AGAIN to get it to work, but this time, it deletes the list.ncsv, and I have to put it back in and use /hp reload.
Kind of a pain for every time I wan't to restart the server.
after using /hp type it again to close adding honeypots.. this should be enough for the honeypots to save.. if not type /hp save.. that should work
I'm having issues where the honeypots delete themselves after server restart.