Honeypot - Honeypots (griefer traps)
Authors: Argomirr, andune, dog.big, BeastsMC
Supports 1.6.X and 1.7.X
A plugin that allows Op's to create so called "honeypots," traps to identify and take care of dishonest players. Using the /honeypot or /hp commands you can turn any block into a honeypot: if a griefer tries to break it, everyone online will be alerted and the violation will be logged so an admin can take action, and optionally, Honeypot can kick or ban said player automatically. The block will be replaced, the trap reset - ready to catch the next griefer before he knows it.
For example, you can place a little shrine with valuable blocks such as gold near your spawn, and turn them into honeypots. When a griefer logs in, sees nobody around and decides the shiny blocks on that shrine would look so much better in his house, he's already given himself away.
A few videos that demo Honeypot in action: Video 1 | Video 2
Can you add support for XYZ ban plugin?
No, I won't. Please read the author's note at the bottom of this page. However, I've made it really easy for you to do it yourself and contribute. Read about it here.
- Plug 'n play - just drop Honeypot.jar in your plugins directory, and you're good to go
- Identify and take care of dishonest players (almost) entirely automatically
- Very easy to use
- Full logging of honeypot violations
- Configurable via a .properties file
- Changeable ban and kick/info reason
- Supports MCBans, EasyBan, UltraBan, KiwiAdmin, vanilla bans and Permissions
- Supports points feature for advanced needs, read the link for more info
- PHP script for showing Honeypot ban logs online: link (courtesy of @jellehen)
How to install and configure
- To install Honeypot, drop Honeypot.jar into your plugins directory, and run the server once. The plugin will generate a new directory, plugins/Honeypot, where you can find the honeypot violation log (honeypot.log), the properties file (honeypot.properties) and a file used to store honeypot data (list.ncsv).
- Open honeypot.properties with your favorite text editor and make any changes you want, then run your server again.
- A little note: if you wish to enable the ban feature, set the kick feature to false. Note that you need to have MCBans installed in order for banning to work.
- Permission nodes for the Permissions plugin (2.7 and also PEX with compatibility core):
honeypot.break # Can the user destroy honeypots? honeypot.create # Can the user place honeypots using /honeypot?
- Congratulations, you've set up your honeypot! You can set up as many honeypots as you like, but keep in mind that this system was not designed to be used as an area protection plugin, so don't apply /hp to every block on your house. See How to use bellow.
How to use
You can now log in and use /honeypot or /hp (Op's only, at this time) to start the process of making a honeypot. You will now be prompted to right click a block with the tool you specified (default: wooden axe) to create a honeypot. You can select any block, but it's recommended you choose a shiny block - something a griefer would want to break - and make sure it doesn't look like an obvious trap. (A single diamond block in the middle of nowhere looks somewhat suspicious, don't you agree?) You can keep selecting blocks until you exit the honeypot creation process by entering the /honeypot or /hp command again. To destroy the honeypot, simply have any Op break it and the block will be dropped as normal.
One more thing: honeypot data will automatically be saved once the server stops, but you can also apply a manual save by using /honeypot save or /hp s to prevent data loss in case of a server crash.
Author's note (andune)
This plugin was originally written by Argomirr. Though his last post related to Honeypot was April 18, 2011, I found value in this plugin and so have kept it updated through newer Bukkit versions and have released it here for others to continue to enjoy as well. Some features have been added at my whim (such as banPoints and WorldEdit region support), but I am not accepting feature requests. If you want a new feature or some new ban plugin supported, please pull the source and write it yourself. Here's a brief guide showing how to add a ban plugin to Honeypot. I WILL NOT help you with coding issues. If you can't figure it out, keep trying/learning until you can, or just use the custom ban type.
Source Code
And thanks to godsyn for the idea.
thanks for the update for custom commands, awesome! going to try it soon
BeastsMC opened a ticket for this about the same time you reported it: Ticket #20
Please use that ticket to report any additional information, particularly I'm interested in the server.log entries from Honeypot and MCBan around the time of the multiple entries.
At this point, I don't have enough information to determine whether it's Honeypot or MCBans API that are causing the problem.
Learn to read "Some features have been added at my whim (such as banPoints and WorldEdit region support), but I am not accepting feature requests. If you want a new feature or some new ban plugin supported, please pull the source and write it yourself. Here's a brief guide showing how to add a ban plugin to Honeypot."
Clearly it won't be added
Hey, I was wondering if someone could take a look at my ticket. I've submitted it over a month ago and I've still gotten no initial review.
Thanks, NXTGUY
I'm having difficulty trying to run more than one custom command. Is there a way to do it (and have I just coded it wrongly) or would it be possible to add this feature?
Appears that honeypot is banning people multiple times while using MCBans.
@Ian0507 & TheOneKai: seriously, the word "grief" is a negative thing. So the fact you like to break people's things means you're doing something against the rules. If you don't like server rules, don't play those servers.
This is an excellent plugin.
Your plugin is falwed, Fuck you.
Forgot about the queue. If anybody else wants to updated version, the link for the file in queue is below.
Alright, more testing and it seems to be working for me. Same setup as in last comment, only thing I changed is on my test server I registered with the MCBans API (it was unregistered before). Apparently MCBans won't even do local bans when apiKey is not registered. Here's log proof of HoneyPot/MCBans4 working together properly:
Having tested this locally, I believe the MCBans4 API is broken. Here is what I see testing Honeypot v1.4.4.1 with MCBans 4.0 on CraftBukkit 1.4.6-R0.1-b2561:
Note that first line, that is printed by MCBans itself when Honeypot calls it's local ban method (this method of code in MCBans). But as you noted, it's not actually banning the player. Maybe @syamn has some insight into why this isn't working.
Thanks for the ideas, it's nice that people enjoy using the plugin and have ideas for it. However, as you said, I'm not really taking suggestions, I've simply focused on keeping the plugin updated and working through new versions of Bukkit/MCBans/etc. It's open source so you are welcome to add those features and send me a gitpull request.
Thanks for the report, I have not tested mcbans banning in the latest version, but the code was done by the MCBans author himself, so that's as close to the source as you can get. :) Nonetheless, it may be broken as you report; are there any errors in the log? Sounds like I may have to go do some ban testing myself.
v1.4.3.2 is not up-to-date, it has a known bug, which you are reporting (read back in the comment thread a bit). is the latest, however last I checked both are waiting in the Bukkit queue for approval; I think they are running behind over the holidays.
v1.4.4 isn't banning for me, it's just kicking even though I have the kick flag disabled for some reason. Here's my config: http://pastebin.com/sEsgd8Rn
That sounds like a reasonable idea. I know you don't really take suggestions but I can just see so much more potential in this plugin. It's great as it is now don't get me wrong, but there's always room for improvement. Here are just some ideas that I'll throw out and you can take them however you want.
- Stats for each honeypot region. Should show the amount of bans the honeypot has, and how many blocks have been damaged in total.
- Overall stats. Top 5 or 10 list of honeypots with the most bans, and damages. Total bans and damages of all honeypots.
/hp region create [name] - Creates a honeypot region
/hp region update [name] - Updates a honeypot region
/hp region remove [name] - Deletes a honeypot region
/hp region info [name] - Get info on a honeypot region
/hp region list - Lists all active honeypots in the world
/hp region check - Checks to see if you're standing in a honeypot
As you can see, a lot of useful features could be added to this plugin. Please consider at least some of these ideas, It would certainly help me.
I keep getting this error on startup: http://pastebin.com/J0Wav7N2
Yes, I'm running up to date versions:
version mcbans
16:58:37 [INFO] MCBans version 4.0
version Honeypot
16:59:05 [INFO] Honeypot version
Everything works fine, except for banning. HP breaks and everything are still logged, but it's not connecting to McBans to actually make the ban. McBans works fine, though. I can still make global bans just fine when I enter the command.
How about a command to remove the region you're currently in? I was working on a PR that would do this, but then my source got all messed up during an update and I had to give up.
There is no in-game way to remove a region since they have no names. One solution would be to add and require names to create the regions, then you could remove them by name.
What I've always done is disabled Honeypot (you can do this live using the excellent Plugman plugin), then edit the list.ncsv, then re-enable Honeypot.
I see. Another question I have is, I created a Honeypot region using WorldEdit, how do I then remove that region if I don't want it anymore? Is there a command in-game?
I tried removing the region through the list.ncsv but that didn't work.