HoneyChest - Griefer traps.
version 1.4
If you used MCBans version 3.0-3.7, please use HoneyChest ver1.2
MCBans version 3.8-3.9, please use HoneyChest ver1.3,
MCBans version 4.0+, please use HoneyChest ver1.4
This plugin can be able to create chest of the honeypot. If a griefer tries to steal the items from this chest, online admins will be alerted and logged in the file. And optionally, HoneyChest can kick or ban griefer automatically.
- Very easy to use
- Supports Large-chest, dispenser and Furnace
- Full logging of HoneyChest violations
- Rollback chest's inventory when we detect the theft (Only use ItemID:data value)
- Supports MCBans(ver 4.x), glizer, EasyBan, UltraBan and DynamicBan
- Supports MCBans/glizer global type BAN
- Supports run commands from console when plugin detect the theft
- Changeable ban and kick/info reason
- Customizable localize/language file
Planned updates:
- Enable only specific items.
- Chest owner system.
- Support reputation(point/count) system.
Please give me ideas!
- Put the HoneyChest.jar into your plugin folder and reload/restart your server.
- Open config.yml and make any changes you want, then reload/restart your server again.
- honeychest.admin
Allow creating/removing honeychest. (default: op) - honeychest.ignore
Allow removing items from honeychest. (default: op)
- /honeychest or /hc # To toggle creater mode.
- /hc help # To see other sub-commands.
How to use:
You can now login and use /honeychest or /hc (need honeychest.admin(or OP) permission, at this time) to start the process of creating a honeychest. You will now be prompted to right click a chest, furnace, or dispenser with the tool you specified (default: Wooden shovel) to create a honeychest. You can put any items in the honeychest, but it's recommended you choose a shiny item - and make sure it doesn't look like obvious trap. You can keep selecting chests until you exit the honeychest creator mode by entering the /honeychest or /hc command again. To remove honeychest, player in creator mode right click the honeychest.
There is no way of catching the player close the chest immediately. So, this plugin keep the chest inventory when player opens the honeychest, and when player has made the action something after close the honeychest. Plugin will compare the two inventories of honeychest, and then detect whether there was a theft. If someone else opened the same honeychest during this time, plugin will not know who stole items. So, Can not be opened the honeychest that is already open (until it is compared).
Bugs and Feature Requests:
Use the Tickets tab to submit any bug reports or feature requests.
Fuck you and your chest a server I play on has one of these and it is making me freak out I want to take it just because I know im not supposed to I could care less whats in it the temptation though EUFIGhBGAWHIOw WHY GOD?!?!
Yay \o/
HoneyChest has been added run command feature!
I waiting approval for honeychest ver1.4.
But this version not support MCBans 3.x, please use MCBans 4.x version.
You can download MCBans 4.0-SNAPSHOT from github here:
sorry this bug fixed on next version 1.3
Will this be updated? I seem to find that the banning flag does not work, it always reverts back to the kick flag :/
I am also looking forward to this update! I'd like to be able to add extended information to our report plugin, and remove them from a blocked list (as they are flagged by Automod for stealing, if they are new to the server). So being able to run multiple commands would be ideal, please.
Even better would be setting commands per chest, for example I have a trap chest in a region named 'Redwood', whenever player steal from it they are caught. I used to do this manually, and would log it as 'stealing from the trap in Redwood.' Would be ideal to be able to set this per chest when logging it using slash commands. Being able to name each chest, and then call that name in the commands and ban reasons would also be good enough for me.
As far as I understood it, I did not think it would ban players if I did not run a supported plugin, which I did not think I was. Still though, it bans the players using CommandBook quite nicely :) Though it leaves the ban reason blank, which defaults to 'Banned!' and not the ban message set in my config.
I would like to be able to change the broadcasted message, and the name that appears to send this. I had hoped the value set for honeychestKickBanSender and honeychestKickReason in the config.yml would do this, but they do not. The language file is reset on every restart, so changing that does nothing either. There is no option to change the broadcasted message sender in there, anyway.
Any chance of any of the above being changed? Great plugin, it is already reducing my workload in running the server, but with just a few tweaks mentioned above it would be absolutely perfect for me :D
@syamn I'm really looking forward to this update.
Yep, I think it's a good idea.
Will be added "Run command" feature in future updates!
Hum.. I haven't used MineBans.I'll try to use MineBans and consider.
An option to execute a command or set of commands instead of banning would be nice. I prefer to question users before manually deciding whether or not to ban them, so it'd be nice if I could use my server's /jail command.
Would it be possible to get MineBans support, cause MCbans is a fucked up system where everyone can create a server and ban you.
Minebans is much better :)
And thank you for a great plugin, works like a charm ;)
Hello. Stealing is valid Global BAN reason for MCBans.
Check this Rules: Global Ban Rules
And, I approved and asked firestar of the MCBans project leader on MCBans IRC.
How can this be approved for an MCBans global type ban if stealing isn't a global type ban?
HoneyChest has been added Rollback feature!
I waiting approval for honeychest ver1.2!
Thanks :D
Thanks for making this plugin! It's just what I need to catch a thief on my server, while leaving the server experience as a trusting vanilla environment for everyone else.
I look forward to this! I'm the co_owner on OperationMinecraft @ As soon as I see the download, I'll be installing this. Looks great! We hate hackers and griefers.
I'd love to try this out. Could the auto ban/kick reason mention the coordinates of the chest etc, so the global ban actually sticks?
Cool idea! I can't wait to try this out. Great addition to HoneyPot.
Good job!