
# HomeSpawnPlus full default config.yml - v1.7.3

# While the comments in here try to be helpful, the most up-to-date
# documentation for these options can always be found on the web at:
# ''
# This config_defaults.yml is NOT USED by HSP in any way and is
# overwritten everytime HSP starts up. It is simply here for reference
# to the full set of options available in HSP as well as their
# default values. Copy any sections you want here into your config.yml
# to make changes.

# If you're having problems with other plugins that have registered
# commands that you want to use with HSP (for example, CommandBook has
# /home, /spawn and loads first alphabetically), you can uncomment the
# below lines and HSP will then take over those commands for it's own
# use when it loads.
#  - home
#  - sethome
#  - spawn
#  - setspawn

# This defines which permission system HSP uses. Vault and WEPIF
# (WEPIF is built into WorldEdit) are preferred, they both provide
# a nice interface to all other permission systems. If you don't have
# or don't want to use either of those, there is some native support
# for a few other permission systems that you can use. These are
# checked in the order they are listed for existence, and the
# first one to match is used.
  - vault
  - wepif
  - pex
  - perm2-compat
  - superperms
  - ops

  # EBEANS - Ebeans storage (will go to SqlLite or MySQL, as defined
  #     by bukkit.yml)
  # YAML - YAML storage in your plugins/HomeSpawnPlus directory.
  #     Will store one file per data type (home, spawn, etc).
  # YAML_SINGLE_FILE - YAML storage in your plugins/HomeSpawnPlus
  #     directory. Stores all data in single "data.yml" file.
  # PERSISTANCE_REIMPLEMENTED_EBEANS - use persitance reimplemented
  #     ebeans implementation. Exactly like EBEANS above except with
  #     a few extra benefits.  To live-reload
  #     with this, due to a Bukkit limitation, you must edit
  #     plugin.yml and set 'database: false'
  # This is one option that cannot be reloaded live with "/hsp rc",
  # you must restart Bukkit if you change this option.
  storage: EBEANS

  # Warn on any known plugin conflicts that might prevent HSP from
  # working the way the admin expects.
  warnConflicts: true

  # Warn if a strategy chain returns no location. While this might
  # be intended behavior, it can also hint at a configuration mistake.
  warnNullStrategy: true

  # Warn if the player ended up somewhere other than where HSP
  # expected. This often indicates another plugin doing something
  # that you don't intend.
  warnLocationChange: true

  # if any strategy takes longer than this many millis to execute
  # (1000 millis = 1 second), then print a performance warning.
  # Set to 0 to disable.
  warnPerformanceMillis: 250

  # this is ONLY used when "ops" is used in the "permissions" section
  # above.
  # In that case, any permissions listed here are given to everyone by
  # default (ops always have full permissions)
#  defaultPermissions:
#    - hsp.command.home.use 
#    - hsp.command.sethome.use 

  # set to true to enable players setting their homes by clicking beds.
  # they must also have the 'hsp.home.bedsethome' permission.
  bedsethome: true

  # If true, HSP will require 2 clicks on the bed to set the home. This
  # avoids accidentally setting your bedhome when you don't mean to.
  bedhome2clicks: true

  # If true, HSP will require it be night time in order for a bed home
  # to be saved by clicking on it. (ie. single player mechanics)
  bedHomeMustBeNight: false

  # If set to true, the player will never see the "You can only
  # sleep at night" message. Be warned this has the unfortunate side
  # effect that they can never actually sleep in their bed, either.
  bedHomeNeverDisplayNightMessage: false

  # This restores the "original" behavior where all bed clicks go
  # through (instead of supressing the first in 2click mode), which
  # makes it possible to night sleep on first click and set home on
  # 2 clicks. Note this is also possible without this option by
  # the player using sneak to sleep vs. set home.
  bedHomeOriginalBehavior: false
  # The default/main world. Strategies reference this as the default
  # world, you can change that here if you like.
  defaultWorld: world

  # set to true if you want plugin to change the spawn of the actual map
  # (ie. even if you turn this plugin off later, whatever default spawn
  # you set in various worlds will stay)
  override_world: true

  # if recordLastLogout is true, HSP will record the precise location
  # location the player logged out at and respawn them there, instead
  # of just letting Bukkit do it. This is an attempt to work around a
  # bug where people logout close to a wall and Bukkit tries to respawn
  # them in the wall
  recordLastLogout: false

  # set to true to have a bit more verbose logging in your server.log
  # about what HomeSpawnPlus is doing
  verboseLogging: false
  # set to true to have verbose logging in your server.log as
  # strategies are being evaluated - great for debugging and testing
  # your strategies when you first set them up.
  verboseStrategyLogging: false

  # Event priority; the basic assumption is that you want HSP to
  # be the final say in your onjoin/respawn event chains - if you
  # didn't want that you probably wouldn't be running HSP in the
  # first place. But you can change it here if you want to
  # for some reason.
  eventPriority: highest

  # HSP has a notion of "default home" which the player can change
  # by using /setdefaulthome. In the event that the player has
  # deleted their defaultHome and only one home is remaining on
  # a given world, this flag says to count that last home as the
  # "default" home, even if it wasn't specifically flagged as
  # the default.
  lastHomeIsDefault: true

  # localization. "en" for english, "fr" for french, etc. Will
  # use given localization if it exists, otherwise will fall
  # back to English as the default.
  # locales available: en, de, fr, nl, ru, pt
  locale: en

  # default color of messages. ie. %yellow%, %red%, ..
  defaultMessageColor: "%yellow%"

  # set to true if Bukkit should be forced to reload the target
  # chunk when a player teleports. This fixes "world hole" problems
  # on teleport (exactly the same as BananaChunk plugin does).
  # This option does nothing if BananaChunk is already installed.
  reloadChunkOnTeleport: false

  # Define the strategy HSP uses to determine if a player is new.
  #   BUKKIT: use Bukkit Player.hasPlayedBefore() method
  #   PLAYER_DAT: check for "player.dat" in the default world
  #   ORIGINAL: use HSP's original algorithm, which first checks
  #     HSP's database for any record, then falls back to a
  #     PLAYER_DAT check. This can be faster since it's a cached
  #     DB lookup instead of a file access, but it also means that
  #     you can't test "new player" strategies simply by removing
  #     the player.dat file.
  newPlayerStrategy: PLAYER_DAT

  # If enabled, "safe teleport" will be used for any teleport
  # HSP does. This means if the players location is not "safe"
  # (it has solid blocks that might suffocate them, is over lava,
  # etc), they will be teleported to the nearest "safe" location
  # instead.
  safeTeleport: true

  # If true, sleeping in a bed will overwrite the default home,
  # usually the one set by "/sethome" with no args.
  bedHomeOverwritesDefault: true

  # Set to true if you use Multiverse and want to take advantage
  # of HSP's event integration with it
  multiverseEnabled: false

  # set to true if you want to display teleporting messages
  # when a player types /home or /spawn. See web docs for how
  # to customize these messages:
  teleportMessages: false

# Web doc reference for event strategies:
  # strategies to use when player is joining the game
    - spawnNewPlayer
    - default
  # strategies to use when player is respawning after a death
    - homeMultiWorld
    - spawnLocalWorld

  # strategies to use when player types "/spawn"
    - spawnLocalWorld
    - spawnDefaultWorld

  # strategies to use when player types "/groupspawn"
    - spawnGroup

  # strategies to use when player types "/home"
    - homeMultiWorld

  # strategies to use when player types "/home name"
    - homeNamedHome

  # strategies to use when player types "/spawn name"
    - spawnNamedSpawn

  # a crossWorld teleport that didn't involve Multiverse
    - default

  # a crossWorld teleport by Multiverse
    - default

  # a non-crossWorld teleport by Multiverse
    - default

#  example of world-specific strategy
#  world:
#    myworld:
#      onDeath:
#        - homeLocalWorld
#        - spawnLocalWorld
#      onHomeCommand:
#        - homeLocalWorld
#  example of permission-specific strategy
#  permission:
#    entry1:
#      permissions:
#        - my.special.permission
#      onJoin:
#        - homeSpecificWorld:specialworld
#        - spawnSpecificWorld:specialworld
#      onDeath:
#        - homeMultiWorld
#        - homeAnyWorld

# you can define your own custom commands. Refer
# to documentation on web:
  # you can disable individual built-in commands here
#  disabledCommands:
#    - home
#    - sethome
#    - spawn

# cooldowns for various commands can be defined here
# A cooldown of 0 is no cooldown at all.
  home: 60
  # if set, overrides "home" cooldown for named homes
  home-named: 0
  sethome: 0
  # if set, overrides "sethome" cooldown for named homes
  sethome-named: 0

  spawn: 60
  # if set, overrides "spawn" cooldown for named spawns
  spawn-named: 0
  groupspawn: 60

  homeinvitetp: 60

  # if set to true, cooldowns reset on death
  resetOnDeath: false
  # any cooldowns listed here will be on separate timers per
  # command argument. for example if "home-named" is listed,
  # then typing "/home home1" would start home1's cooldown,
  # and "/home home2" will be on a separate cooldown.
#  separation: 
#  - home-named
#  - spawn-named
#  - sethome-named
#  - homeinvitetp
#  example of world-specific cooldowns
#  world:
#    myworld:
#      # whether this world should have its own cooldowns
#      cooldownPerWorld: false
#      home: 120
#      spawn: 120
#      # resetOnDeath can be per-world or even per-permission
#      resetOnDeath: true
#  example of permission-specific cooldowns
#  permission:
#    entry1:
#      # whether these permission should have their own cooldowns
#      cooldownPerPermission: false
#      permissions:
#        - my.special.permission
#      home: 30
#      spawn: 30
  # globally enable or disable warmups.
  enabled: false
  # set to true if movement should cancel a warmup
  onMoveCancel: false

  # set to true if receiving damage should cancel a warmup
  onDamageCancel: false

  # individual command warmup timers
  home: 5
  spawn: 5
  groupspawn: 5
#  example of world-specific warmups
#  world:
#    myworld:
#      # whether this world should have its own warmups
#      warmupPerWorld: false
#      home: 10
#      spawn: 10
#  example of permission-specific warmups
#  permission:
#    entry1:
#      # whether these permission should have their own warmups
#      warmupPerPermission: false
#      permissions:
#        - my.special.permission
#      home: 15
#      spawn: 15

# ability to raise or lower the limit of homes you allow
# players to have. Can be defined on a per-world or
# per-permission basis. (-1 = unlimited)
  # If singleGlobalHome is set, all other sections are ignored
  # and a single global home is enforced. This means typing
  # /sethome on any world will always work and it will always
  # overwrite whatever other home you had set. This can be
  # overridden by the permission "hsp.singleGlobalHomeExempt",
  # in which case the limits defined below still apply.
  singleGlobalHome: false

    perWorld: 1
    global: -1

#  world:
#    myworld:
#      perWorld: 5
#  permission:
#    limit1:
#      permissions:
#        - my.custom.perm
#        - group.mygroup
#      perWorld: 3
#      global: 10

# If you have Vault installed, HSP can use that to charge prices for
# commands using whatever economy plugin you happen to have installed.
# Costs will not work if you do not have Vault installed.
  # if verbose is true, the player will get a message stating that their
  # account has been charged whenever they use a command with a cost.
  verbose: true
  home: 0
  sethome: 0
  spawn: 0
  groupspawn: 0
  # if sethome-multiplier is non-zero, then each additional home past
  # the first (globally) will cost this much more. Example: sethome cost
  # is 500, sethome-multiplier is 1.5. First home will cost 500, second
  # will cost (500*1.5) = 750. 3rd home will cost (500*1.5*1.5) = 1125.
  # 4th home is (500*1.5*1.5*1.5) = 1687.5, and so on.
  sethome-multiplier: 0

#  world:
#    myworld:
#      home: 100
#  permission:
#    limit1:
#      permissions:
#        - my.custom.perm
#        - group.mygroup
#      home: 250
#      sethome: 500

  # timeout (in seconds) for temporary invites
  timeout: 30

  # set to true if you want /homeinviteaccept and /homeinviteteleport
  # to use the same cooldown as /home. This respects any home-separation
  # settings you have.
  useHomeCooldown: true
  # same as above, but for warmups
  useHomeWarmup: true

  # set to false if you don't want to allow
  # players to send invite for bedHomes
  allowBedHomeInvites: true

# HSP/dynmap integration. Features heavily borrowed from Mike Primm's
# excellent Commandbook/dynmap integration, so please refer to that
# for any documentation of config options.
  # Set to true to enable this module, otherwise it is completely
  # disabled
  enabled: false

    # Seconds between position updates
    period: 300.0
      enable: true
      # by default, HSP will render the default home. You can also tell
      # it to render any bed homes or even all named homes
      include-bed-home: true
      include-named-homes: true
      name: "Homes"
      # Make home layer hidden by default
      hidebydefault: false
      # ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0)
      layerprio: 20
      # (optional) set minimum zoom level when mob icons should be visible (0=default, any zoom)
      minzoom: 0
      # Default icon for home markers
      deficon: house
      # Label format - substitute %name% for player's name
      labelfmt: "%name%"
      # (optional) List of visible homes (by user ID) - if non-empty, only these will be shown.
      # To show all homes on a given world, include "world:<worldname>" in the string list
      visiblemarkers: []
      # (optional) List of hidden homes (by user ID)
      # To hide all homes on a given world, include "world:<worldname>" in the string list
      hiddenmarkers: []
      # (optional) If set to true, only show homes of online players
      online-only: false
      enable: true
      name: "Spawns"
      # Make warp layer hidden by default
      hidebydefault: false
      # ordering priority in layer menu (low goes before high - default is 0)
      layerprio: 21
      # (optional) set minimum zoom level when mob icons should be visible (0=default, any zoom)
      minzoom: 0
      # Default icon for warp markers
      deficon: world
      # Label format - substitute %name% for warp's name
      labelfmt: "[%name%]"
      # (optional) List of visible spawns (by spawn name) - if non-empty, only these will be shown.
      # To show all spawns on a given world, include "world:<worldname>" in the string list
      visiblemarkers: []
      # (optional) List of hidden spawns (by spawn name)
      # To hide all spawns on a given world, include "world:<worldname>" in the string list
      hiddenmarkers: []


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