HomePlus [1.9 - 1.16.1] ▸Set your home, highly configurable ● PRE-RELASE
With the version (v.3.9) you need to delete the config.yml file, if you used an older version.
With the version (v.3.9) you need to delete the config.yml file, if you used an older version.
● Introduction ●
HomePlus is a very light plugin that will allow you to set up your home. It is an essential plugin for surival-type servers that want to keep fewer plugins.
The plugin comes with many customization like: Titles,Sounds,Messages,Ranks & more!!
It's really easy and quick to use!
● Images ●
HomePlus is a very light plugin that will allow you to set up your home. It is an essential plugin for surival-type servers that want to keep fewer plugins.
The plugin comes with many customization like: Titles,Sounds,Messages,Ranks & more!!
It's really easy and quick to use!
● Images ●

● Commands & Permissions ●
- /sethome <home> - This command allows you to set up your home (no permissions).
- /delhome <home> - This command allows you to delete a house you have previously set (no permissions).
- /home <home> - Use this command to teleport from a house you set up (no permissions)
- /hp - Show you all available settings (homeplus.help)
- /hp reload - Reload Homeplus settings and messages (homeplus.reload)
● Admin & VIP Permissions ●
- homeplus.homes.vip - Bypass the default limit
- homeplus.homes.mvp - Bypass the VIP limit
- homeplus.homes.admin - Homeplus [admin] commands.

● Features ●
- HomePlus is fully configurable, so you can change almost all features and messages. For example: you can change all titles messages in your messages.yml file. (70%)
- Homeplus has a fantastic countdown, constantly improving. (60%)
- Homeplus has an advanced settings system, which allows you to configure messages, directly into the game! (30%)
- Homeplus has a great rank system, with customizable messages! (95%)
- Homeplus has very few bugs, which are almost always fixed quickly! (98%)
- HomePlus lets players can create their own personal homes in the world, that they can teleport back with a command. (100%)
- Homeplus allows you to decide in which world you can set up a home. (100%)
HomePlus is a free plugin, but if you want to support me and my codes you can do it by clicking on this image.
Thank you!❤️️
Thank you!❤️️
If you have any questions or issues, please contact with me in private message on Bukkit, not in the review section.
Still works on 1.20.2!
Though I have changed all of the settings for the maximum number of houses for default players, it will still only let them have 3. I don't understand the problem?
Hello how can i disable VIP
In reply to tomikulap:
If anyone is having issues with the VIP limitation you can do the following.
instead of using the latest version release you must use version 3.9.3 and just change the max amount of homes. I tried doing this in version 3.9.5 and it didn't work but I have confirm that it works in version 3.9.3 You must edit the config.yml file
Go to the Minecraft > Plugin > HomePlus > config.yml file and edit the following lines:
MaxDefaultPlayerHomes: 2
MaxVipHomes: 5
MaxMvpHomes: 8
and change them for:
MaxDefaultPlayerHomes: 1000000
MaxVipHomes: 1000005
MaxMvpHomes: 1000008
Make sure to save the file and restart the Minecraft Server. Once it's restarted you will be able to create more homes :)
In reply to tomikulap:
Change the text in the config file to not refer to a VIP subscription, put a stupidly high amount of houses for VIP and set the defaults to what you are looking for.
can you make it so that typing:
teleports to "default" or first home in the list?
because... /home home is kind of painful or redundant (as /home default)
In reply to JennerPalacios:
and the list of homes with /home list
In reply to JennerPalacios:
Hi JennerPalacios!!
Thank you for your advice!
I’ll probably implement this command when I put the GUIs!!
Don't forget to rate my plugin on Spigot! Thanks :)
Hello there,
Loving the plugin so far, however I have changed both # of allowed homes for default and VIP, and what the Plugin says when you reach your max amount of homes. I saved the config, reloaded the plugin and even tried restarting the server, but it still has not changed, any ideas?
Any help is appreciated thanks.
In reply to Frayed_TWRK:
Hello Frayed_TWRK!
I’m so sorry you’re having this problem!
What version of HomePlus are you using?
If you are using version 3.9.3, could you try the previous version (3.9) and tell me if it continues to give you the same problem?
I am currently recoding the plugin and would be of help if you would report me all the problems you are experiencing!
In reply to Forge_User_67893594:
Hey thanks for the quick reply!
I'm using the V3.5 I believe. Should I try 3.9.3 for 1.15.2?
In reply to Frayed_TWRK:
Yes, try version 3.9.3 and tell me if you still have problems.
I will try within these days to fix all possible problems!
Sorry again for the inconvenience!
In reply to Forge_User_67893594:
No problem I understand bugs :) I am on 3.9.3
Unfortunately I am still hitting a wall at 8 homes set, even though I had admin, vip and MVP perms.
Thanks for the replies!
In reply to Frayed_TWRK:
A new version has just come out, try it and tell me if you still have problems! It works great for me!
Download it from spigot
Don't forget to rate me on spigot ;D
In reply to Forge_User_67893594:
Hey so I downlaoded the new version on spigot.
I changed the config file to say custom things and upped the home counts, however it looks like it's still not working. I've tried different perms, and they aren't working either.
Any thoughts on if it's something I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
In reply to Frayed_TWRK:
Hello Frayed_TWRK!!
Write me in private. Send me your configuration file, I will try to find out the problem and fix it. To me it works correctly, it’s quite strange...
In reply to Forge_User_67893594:
hi i dont know why but i cant post a comment so i reply can you please add an option so when a player uses /home and he moves it will cancel ?
Hello there! I love this plugin so much! But I have a minor issue. Why do I always sink one block down after I teleport back to my home? It happens on every type of block. Any help would be great! Thanks.
In reply to uncledons:
Hi uncledons!
Thanks for letting me notice this little bug. I’ll try to fix it in the next update!!
Stay up to date <3!
EDIT: Problem solved! will be released in the next update!
Even after changing the number of homes in the config and reloading & rebooting, it doesn't recognize the change.