Holographic Displays v2.1.4
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UploadedFeb 11, 2015
Size338.37 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8
- 1.7.4
- 1.6.4
Compatibility: Bukkit/Spigot/Cauldron/MCPC+ 1.6.4, 1.7.2 to 1.8.1
- Added support for left click on touch slimes (for Touchscreen Holograms too)!
- Changed behaviour of /hd movehere, and the behaviour of the "start location" of a hologram in the API. The hologram will start from the location you choose and go down, instead of displaying the first line above the choosen location. To understand better:
- Added Hologram#getHeight() in the API.
- Better error handling for the pinger.
- Fixed bug with the latest spigot builds
- Do not count NPCs from Citizens as players
- Smaller fixes
- Allow {online: ...} to count players from multiple servers, separate the names with a comma. E.G.: {online: minigames-1,minigames-2, minigames-3} will sum the players from these 3 servers.
- Added /hd copy <hologramToCopy> <intoHologram> (to copy the content of a hologram into another one)
- Added /hd info <hologram> (to list the lines of a hologram)
- Better error output when a hologram is not found
- The BungeeCord update! Re-added {status: server} (now working), added {motd: server} and {max_players: server}!
- To use these three features you have to enable the pinger in the configuration. This happens because it's not possible using only the messaging channel of Bungeecord, it doesn't provide this details.
- Servers are being pinged asynchronously, your server won't lag.
- Servers can be configured in config.yml, they can even be external servers. (Configuration tutorial soon)
- Many new settings under the "bungee" config node.
- Fixed error when having worlds with spaces
- Fixed error when using BungeeCord placeholders.
- Re-added numerical ID support
- API changes
- Added method removeLine() to HologramLine class.
- Added method removeLine(int index) to Hologram class.
- Startup error fix
- Small API bug fixes
2.0 - The API update!
Changes for server owners
- 70-80% recoded from scratch, now more stable and flexible for future modifications.
- Allows to use URLs when reading images.
- The speed in animations should be now indicated in seconds (e.g.: 0.1)
- Moved some configuration nodes, added time zone settings for the placeholder {time}.
- The plugins "Touchscreen Holograms" and "Donation Holograms" will need to be updated. Other plugins using only the old standard API won't probably have problems.
- Added flag to append an image to the end of a hologram (-a) instead of clearing it.
- More professional looking output when using /hd or /holograms without arguments. It only shows the version and the developer in a single line.
- Teleporting holograms from plugins like Chat Bubbles is now smoother.
Changes for developers
The API has been completely rewritten. There is still the old API to maintain compatibility, but it will be removed in the future. Please update your plugins using the Holographic Displays API!
The tutorials on GitHub have already been updated.
You can find the new javadocs here.
Notable changes:
- Main class changed from HolographicDisplaysAPI to HologramsAPI.
- Removed FloatingItem class (now included in the Hologram class, a single line can be a floating item).
- Added a VisibilityManager to dynamically hide/show holograms to players.
- A touch handler can be set for each line of the hologram.
- Hologram(s) are now made of many HologramLine(s).
- You can register and unregister your own placeholders.
- Merged ItemTouchHandler with TouchHandler (it makes sense now).
If you need help to switch to the new API, please send me a PM! Don't forget to remind your users to use v2+ if you update to the new API.
* Using Forge 1.7.10 (Client) it's not possible to see floating items. This is client side issue, as they appear with a vanilla client.