
Jump as high as you want!
Define a factor to multiply your jump height with and you are ready to go!
Just want to jump a bit higher? Let's say, 3 blocks? Or you want to jump up in the sky? No problem!

Every player can choose an own jump factor, if he hasn't, a default factor will be used. The individual factor can be limited in the config. You can disable fall damage in the config (Permission is needed!), this is recommended for higher jump factors! The factor 4.5 - 5 equals a normal jump, but you can use 0 to jump normal either.


  • /jump - Display help
  • /jump factor - Returns your individual and the default factor
  • /jump setfactor - Set your own factor
  • /jump setfactordef - Set the global jump factor


  • highjump.jump - Allows you to jump higher (or lower if you want)
  • highjump.nodamage - You won't get fall damage, if defined so in config

The following permissions grant access to the same named commands:

  • highjump.factor
  • highjump.setfactor
  • highjump.setfactordef


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