This plugin utilizes and adds to SimpleCommandSigns by storing a hidden commands database. Because we wish to keep SimpleCommandSigns simple and lightweight, we kept these extra features separate.
- You no longer need to have the command(s) being executed on the sign itself.
- You can have multiple commands run in sequence.
- You can list the permission(s) you wish the player to have when running the command and they will be granted temporarily during command execution.
- You can set permissions nodes allowing players to view the true commands behind the sign.
- The true commands are linked to the text on the sign rather than the sign block. This means there will be no issues with sign block removal and modification. Hiddencommandsigns with the same sign text will run the same commands.
- You can make the hiddencommandsigns look exactly like a normal commandsign.
- If you understand the formatting, you can manually edit the human-readable database file. (Not recommended though)
How to create a HiddenCommandSign:
- Create a SimpleCommandSign as you normally would. The text on the lines that usually holds the command can be anything arbitrary now.
- Use: /hcs create "<command>" (Note: If your command contains quotation marks, replace them with "\''" - that is: forward slash, single quote, single quote)
- If the people running the sign need additional permissions to run the command, use: /hcs addperm "<permission>"
- Right click the sign and the command(s) you specified will be run!
- /hcs create "<command>" ["othercommands"] - Creates a hiddencommandsign with the command(s) given within parenthesis. (Example: /hcs create "/cp points" "/day")
- /hcs detect - Tells you if the next block you hit is a hiddencommandsign and its author.
- /hcs obtainreal - Tells you the real command that will run when you right-click the sign.
- /hcs addperm "<permission>" ["otherpermissions"] - Adds the specified permissions to the sign. They will be given to the player right before they run the command, and removed immediately after. (Example: /hcs addperm "CommandPoints.give")
- /hcs quickcreate - If the text on a simplecommandsign already has a hidden command sequence linked to it. This allows you to turn it into a hiddencommandsign with the original commands.
- hcs.create: Can create a hidden command sign.
- hcs.detect: Can detect and get the creator of hidden command signs.
- hcs.obtainreal: Can get the real command behind the sign.
- hcs.addperm: Can add permissions to a sign.
- hcs.addperm.any: Can add any permissions to a sign, including those which they do not own.
Note: If you do not use Legacy Permissions as your permissions handler, remove any Permissions compatibility bridge (such as the one from Essentials) if you want to be able to use "/hcs addperm".
Is there a way to add more than one line of commands to a sign for example: /hcs create "/region select foo" "set 0.1%56,0.15%14,0.8%15,4%16,94.95%24" "desel"
Normally this would not all fit on one line; what could be done is a /hcs addline function that adds another line of commands onto the existing one. Just an idea.
Hi, I have to redo all the hidden command signs every time the server restarts and its kind of annoying. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
I would like to use some sign particular mods where you place a command in the sign .. like yours . . [bla bla bla] next line; variable .... like in your mod when using a sign command - "[SCS]" ...
with /hcs quickcreate you can now break the sign and the command on the sign will still work correct?
Basically I m looking for something to use with WirelessRedstone ... but I want the sign hidden, your mod allows you to delete signs with the command still intact but only HiddenCommand ones yes?
I have no idea what you want it to do...
@Devil_Boy "With the way it works, it does not work unless it is specifically a HiddenCommandSign"
Could you make this work with other [ ] plugin commands? I want to hide the wireless redstone sign ... seems theres nothing out there that I can find yet that will let me do this...
this one comes the closest though from what I can find!!!
please please!!
Cannot be implemented.
Does that mean you can't implement it? That would be a great feature I think, and it'd make these hidden command signs look much nicer.
Not with this plugin. With the way it works, it does not work unless it is specifically a HiddenCommandSign.
Is there a way to add commands to a normal sign?
For e.g. The sign will read "Right click to go to spawn", and the attached command will be /spawn.
No prob bro.
It needs no elaboration. This is not a simple plugin. If a person doesn't understand what they are trying to do with this plugin, it is better if they didn't try using it.
Make sure you have scsigns.use permission.
I didn't mean that specific question. I meant questions regarding the note. Questions about Legacy Permissions. I see it asked about on this page and the next comment page. I was suggesting elaborating on it so people don;t keep asking as the comments get bumped down.
Are you in creative mode?
You are in fact the first. Everybody else has been able to figure it out just by looking through their plugin list.
"Note: If you do not use Legacy Permissions as your permissions handler, remove any Permissions compatibility bridge (such as the one from Essentials) if you want to be able to use "/hcs addperm"."
What is the one from Essentials called so I can find and remove it?
I am probably not the first to inquire about that note, and wont be the last. How about elaborating on it up there.
Something i do rly wrong when it says leftclick the sign after i tiped in hcs create, the sign gets destroyed. im pretty new to this so...what on earth i do wrong?
Thank you sir, This is great news. And sorry for misreading '%p', I thought it was just '%'
If my RPG factions server gets as big as I hope it to be, I will definitely donate, because this is probably one of the most important plugins that it revolves around :)
Thanks so much!
%p for the player's name
The permission is only granted while the commands are being run. They do not get to keep them.
Scratch that part about the /pex promote command, I would actually have to perform the command /pex group [group] user add [user], because since Im running an RPG server with multiple classes w the same permissions, there cant be any sort of ladder. So basically the permissions Id have to give them would be all PEX permissions or even the '*' maybe.( Im not entirely sure about how to integrate a certain permission into the sign for PEX yet.) again if it DOES remove the permission after the command is used then Im fine.
One last question by the way, what variable do you enter for the person-who's-clicking-the-sign's name? In other words, since I have to have their name entered for them to be promoted, is there a numeral or sign I can enter that represents the persons own name when they click it? Thanks for the help by the way, this plugin is super key to the RPG success in the server.
The command is /pex promote [user] [group] I was not sure about permissions however, when I add a permission to the sign, does it let them keep the permission? Or only for the purpose of completing the commands on the sign and then removing the permission again? My problem is that if they keep the permissions Im pretty sure they would be able to promote themselves at will.
If the permission is added and removed when the sign is used Ill be fine, but if it stays Im not so sure. Could you elaborate on that? :)