This plugin utilizes and adds to SimpleCommandSigns by storing a hidden commands database. Because we wish to keep SimpleCommandSigns simple and lightweight, we kept these extra features separate.
- You no longer need to have the command(s) being executed on the sign itself.
- You can have multiple commands run in sequence.
- You can list the permission(s) you wish the player to have when running the command and they will be granted temporarily during command execution.
- You can set permissions nodes allowing players to view the true commands behind the sign.
- The true commands are linked to the text on the sign rather than the sign block. This means there will be no issues with sign block removal and modification. Hiddencommandsigns with the same sign text will run the same commands.
- You can make the hiddencommandsigns look exactly like a normal commandsign.
- If you understand the formatting, you can manually edit the human-readable database file. (Not recommended though)
How to create a HiddenCommandSign:
- Create a SimpleCommandSign as you normally would. The text on the lines that usually holds the command can be anything arbitrary now.
- Use: /hcs create "<command>" (Note: If your command contains quotation marks, replace them with "\''" - that is: forward slash, single quote, single quote)
- If the people running the sign need additional permissions to run the command, use: /hcs addperm "<permission>"
- Right click the sign and the command(s) you specified will be run!
- /hcs create "<command>" ["othercommands"] - Creates a hiddencommandsign with the command(s) given within parenthesis. (Example: /hcs create "/cp points" "/day")
- /hcs detect - Tells you if the next block you hit is a hiddencommandsign and its author.
- /hcs obtainreal - Tells you the real command that will run when you right-click the sign.
- /hcs addperm "<permission>" ["otherpermissions"] - Adds the specified permissions to the sign. They will be given to the player right before they run the command, and removed immediately after. (Example: /hcs addperm "CommandPoints.give")
- /hcs quickcreate - If the text on a simplecommandsign already has a hidden command sequence linked to it. This allows you to turn it into a hiddencommandsign with the original commands.
- hcs.create: Can create a hidden command sign.
- hcs.detect: Can detect and get the creator of hidden command signs.
- hcs.obtainreal: Can get the real command behind the sign.
- hcs.addperm: Can add permissions to a sign.
- hcs.addperm.any: Can add any permissions to a sign, including those which they do not own.
Note: If you do not use Legacy Permissions as your permissions handler, remove any Permissions compatibility bridge (such as the one from Essentials) if you want to be able to use "/hcs addperm".
When I add permissions such like /hcs addperm “*” it adds the perms to the appropriated sign but players are still denied access. I use PEX for my permissions. Any suggestions?
just hoping you could help
i have a plugin called classranks which works well
i am using hiddencommandsigns trying to pass the perm to rank/join class to the sign thus
- nyname
- /class spellcaster "hidden command" works if the perm "classranks.self.rank" in bperm groups is present
according to their plugin i should be able to addperm "classranks.self.rank" to the sign directly to do the same thing
doesnt seem to work
any ideas?
i dont have essentials loaded nor do i have a perm bridge
actually tells me i dont have permission - so the addperm permission is not being passed on
Yes, it's exactly the same problem.
Make sure the PermissionsBridge plugin isn't on your server. Currently, I do not think the GroupManager commands will work because of how the Essentials authors handle commands. We still need to compile a list of other plugins that may use the same method, so that we can fix it the best way possible.
Is your issue similar to: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/hiddencommandsigns/tickets/6-breaking-on-restart/ ?
Hi, I would like to use this to promote people but not sure if can work. I have GM and you can use promote command to promote to lover rank that is yours actuall rank. On the other hand when I use groupadd it can demote higher ranked player. Any ideas if it can be used for promotions ?
Hello, Recently I installed version 1.0 of the plugin (as my server runs on MC 1.0 for now) and it seemed to work fine until I reloaded the server. For some reason the commands you program with /hcs work fine, but as soon as I reload or stop and start the server the commands stop working, and say 'unknown command' etc on the chat feed when I right click the sign. I think it might start reading the text on the sign instead of the commands programmed into it with the /hcs command. Is there any way I could fix this? Is it to do with coloured text on the sign or something similar? Thanks in advance.
There doesn't seem to be any obvious error. Mind filling out a support ticket with your list of plugins and the exact commands you use to create the sign?
yes the ini is filled with the signs i made
Thanks guys. =D
If you want us to do something just create a support ticket with your list of plugins that don't work. Trying to say that we don't want to fix anything and giving us vague and useless responses is not going to help anyone.
It would make no sense for this plugin to use the front end, because that would be done using the command-sequence feature. (If you don't understand how to do that, then don't try it :P)
There may be quite a few out there, but PLEASE list the ones you've tried that don't work in a ticket and we will try our best to get it resolved. Also, as far as Essentials goes, we are working to get that problem resolved, it's just going to take some time. Also, just so you are aware, if the plugin developer uses the standard player.hasPermission("permission"); in his plugin this plugin works perfectly with it, it's those plugins that don't follow the standard that we seem to be having a problem with. We need to examine those plugins and see how they get their permissions in order to fix the issue, thereby the list.
Just really saying there's quite a few out there. And I need some kind of way to do so. Hmm, any ideas?
Just saying that nearly all the plugins you've tried don't work is really vague. It would be oh so helpful to know what plugins they are so we can see if there is something in common with them. Also, I am using PEX on my server and ALL the plugins I have on my server work with HiddenCommandSigns.... (That I've tested anyways...)
@Devil_Boy When perms are used with Bukkit commands they work.
Just nearly all the plugins I've tried do not. Probably due to the same reason why essentials does not work you don't seem too keen to fix that. =S
Would adding an option to use the PermissionsEx/or vault front end (despite the performance woes) be a good compromise for those desperate or not using signs excessively?
Put in a support ticket with the exact commands you used on the sign. There shouldn't be any need to work with the PermissionsEx frontend, because the backend works just fine for most and is much more efficient.
If you want to test something before submitting the ticket:
1. Make a simplecommandsign with arbitrary text.
2. Use: /hcs create "say This thing works!"
3. Use: /hcs addperm bukkit.command.say
4. Have a non-op use the sign.
@Devil_Boy Have tried commands from many plugins, they just don't seem to work.
Would it be possible to tie it in with some permissions plugins like PermissionsEx, when the command is used to add/remove permissions using that, commands from anything including essentials seems to work.
Check if the database file is getting saved at all.
Not sure what you were trying to say but, this plugin does not use commands to grant permissions. It uses methods inherent to the Permissions API's. If you're having issues with addperm, make sure you ARE NOT using a command from Essentials because they do not properly check for permissions.
console says nothing