This plugin utilizes and adds to SimpleCommandSigns by storing a hidden commands database. Because we wish to keep SimpleCommandSigns simple and lightweight, we kept these extra features separate.
- You no longer need to have the command(s) being executed on the sign itself.
- You can have multiple commands run in sequence.
- You can list the permission(s) you wish the player to have when running the command and they will be granted temporarily during command execution.
- You can set permissions nodes allowing players to view the true commands behind the sign.
- The true commands are linked to the text on the sign rather than the sign block. This means there will be no issues with sign block removal and modification. Hiddencommandsigns with the same sign text will run the same commands.
- You can make the hiddencommandsigns look exactly like a normal commandsign.
- If you understand the formatting, you can manually edit the human-readable database file. (Not recommended though)
How to create a HiddenCommandSign:
- Create a SimpleCommandSign as you normally would. The text on the lines that usually holds the command can be anything arbitrary now.
- Use: /hcs create "<command>" (Note: If your command contains quotation marks, replace them with "\''" - that is: forward slash, single quote, single quote)
- If the people running the sign need additional permissions to run the command, use: /hcs addperm "<permission>"
- Right click the sign and the command(s) you specified will be run!
- /hcs create "<command>" ["othercommands"] - Creates a hiddencommandsign with the command(s) given within parenthesis. (Example: /hcs create "/cp points" "/day")
- /hcs detect - Tells you if the next block you hit is a hiddencommandsign and its author.
- /hcs obtainreal - Tells you the real command that will run when you right-click the sign.
- /hcs addperm "<permission>" ["otherpermissions"] - Adds the specified permissions to the sign. They will be given to the player right before they run the command, and removed immediately after. (Example: /hcs addperm "CommandPoints.give")
- /hcs quickcreate - If the text on a simplecommandsign already has a hidden command sequence linked to it. This allows you to turn it into a hiddencommandsign with the original commands.
- hcs.create: Can create a hidden command sign.
- hcs.detect: Can detect and get the creator of hidden command signs.
- hcs.obtainreal: Can get the real command behind the sign.
- hcs.addperm: Can add permissions to a sign.
- hcs.addperm.any: Can add any permissions to a sign, including those which they do not own.
Note: If you do not use Legacy Permissions as your permissions handler, remove any Permissions compatibility bridge (such as the one from Essentials) if you want to be able to use "/hcs addperm".
A good example would be
/hcs create "/tp x,y,z" /hcs addperm commandbook.locations.coords << the perm needed to allow the tp to coord doesnt work
have bperms - no bridges etc
It looks like you have been compiling a list of plugins that hcs addperms doesnt work with. could you post the list as i am finding it hit and miss to whether it works or not thx
Most likely.
Cool plugin! CB 1.1-R6 compatible?
Yes it's: /hcs addperm srpex.setrank.traveller
The wildcards aren't really permissions nodes, though in theory they should work. It all depends on how the other plugin handles the permissions.
i mean i guess i could add the permission to the default group to allow to change the group to Traveller, but what i wanted to know is how to make the sign.... ugh i think i figured it out /hcs addperm srpex.setrank.traveller to the sign, but if thats the case why wouldn't /hcs addperm srpex.* or even addperm * work ?
srpex.setrank.(group in lower case) - /setrank <User> <Group> (aliases: /rank, /setgroup, /group) - Allows you to set a user's group, but only to a specific one. If the group contains a space, use an underscore ("_"), same with the command. To set to all, use srpex.setrank.* srpex.reload - /srpexreload (aliases: /reloadsrpex, /srpexr) - Allows you to reload the configuration of SetRankPEX srpex.* - Master Permission - Allows you to use everything.
do you know the exact version, without the *'s?
srpex.setrank.* or srpex.*
What perm do they need to run /setrank ?
ok im new to this so im sure i am doing it wrong, first I made a sign with [scs] on the first line and just test on the 2nd line, then i used /hcs create setrank %p Traveller, and when i goto use that as an Op or set to the Owner group it works fine I have tried every way i could think of to get the addperms bit to let them change rank using /hcs addperm, I am using PEX and the SRPEX plugin...
That is a good question. I was wondering when it'd be brought up. Currently you'd have to manually remove it from the database. Initially we had no idea that people would use HCS so often so a decent deletion method was not thought up.
How do you delete a hidden command sequence?
I've tried the command: /hcs addperm "groupmanager.manuaddsub" which should add the permission to add a user to a group in the sign. But when right clicking the sign it replies "You are not allowed to use that command. /manuaddsub <player> <group>" Not sure if I'm an idiot, or its incompatible.
Be sure to report any plugins whose commands do not work with "addperm". We're building up a list, and really don't have time to test.
And remember, if we're around, you can get support quicker from our IRC: irc://irc.mibbit.com/pinoygamers
Oh I thought that was needed for GroupMangers. Personally, I hate essnetials so I deleted everything but the group manager and didn't know that wasn't required. Thanks :)
Now to mess with permissions :/
I forgot the exact name, but you should be able to find it in your plugins folder. It's a plugin that comes along with GroupManager. It attempts to give support for plugins that only use Legacy Permissions.
Hmm would you mind elaborating what the bridge is? Maybe I'm just stupid, but I never understood what it is.
You didn't get rid of the bridge. It attempts to replicate the bridge, but doesn't completely give all the functions of Legacy Permissions. If your main permissions handler isn't Legacy, you should just remove the bridge.