Lets you give players an experience boost for a set amount of time. This could be used as rewards for events, quests, etc.
Coming Soon
- Items that will increase xp gain by x% for t time on use.
- Put HeroExpBoost.jar in your /plugins folder
- Restart your server (no configuration needed)
- /expboost <player> <multiplier> <number> <days|weeks|hours>
- /clearboost <player>
- expboost.boost (let's you use expboost and clearboost commands)
does this still work?
Hey, I suggest adding a permission node to have a permanent boost.
Like this: expboost.pboost.2.5
Where 2 is multiplier and 5 is number.
Thx Multitallented it works
its possible to add exp boost for clans? or Groups?
(heroes and Simpleclans2)
Can the boost be applied to the entire server?
Great idea, but can you make it a permission node so I can just give it to entire permission groups instead of having to set every single person?
Try version 1.0 I've completely tested this.
Dont work for me
i get the message "exp x 10 for 123 hours" but i get the standart EXP rate no errors in the log any ideas?