

  • ShowInterval - In what interval should Herobrine generate a target, but it also depends on ShowRate.
  • ShowRate - Chance of Herobrine´s target to generate, there are 3 levels, 1 = sometimes, 2 = often, 3 = very often.
  • HitPlayer - Herobrine will be hitting the player or he won´t.
  • SendMessages - Herobrine sends a message when he attacks.
  • Lighting - Herobrine sends lighting to the world.
  • DestroyTorches - If Herobrine destroyes all torches in the radius when he attacks.
  • DestroyTorchesRadius - Destroy torches radius.
  • Worlds - In what worlds Herobrine can attack and haunt.
  • TotemExplodes - If totem explodes when Herobrine is called.
  • OnlyWalkingMode - If Herobrine only walks randomly in world and cannot attack and haunt.
  • BuildStuff - Herobrine can create caves and placing redstone torches.
  • PlaceSigns - Herobrine can place signs.
  • UseTotem - Herobrine can be called by totem.
  • Killable - If Herobrine can be killed. (PvP on server must be enabled)
  • Messages - What messages will Herobrine say.
  • SignMessages - What messages will Herobrine write into signs.
  • BookMessages - What messages will Herobrine write into books.
  • Drops - Drops that Herobrine will drop when he dies.
  • UsePotionEffects - Herobrine can apply potion effects on players.
  • DeathMessage - What message Herobrine send when he dies.
  • BookChance - Chance to write a book. (%)
  • CaveChance - Chance to create a cave. (%)
  • SignChance - Chance to place a sign. (%)
  • BuildPyramids - Herobrine can build pyramids.
  • UseGraveyardWorld - Herobrine can teleport players to the Graveyard world.
  • BuryPlayers - Herobrine can bury players.
  • SpawnWolves - Herobrine can spawn wolves.
  • SpawnBats - Herobrine can spawn bats.
  • UseWalkingMode - Herobrine can wander the wilds.
  • WalkingModeRadius X - Radius in X where Herobrine can be in WalkingMode.
  • WalkingModeRadius Z - Radius in Z where Herobrine can be in WalkingMode.
  • BuildInterval - Interval of Herobrine´s events (bury,pyramid and temple).
  • BuildTemples - Herobrine can build temples.
  • UseArtifacts - Which artifacts can be used.
  • HerobrineHP- Herobrine´s hp.
  • AttackCreative - Herobrine can attack creative players.
  • AttackOP - Herobrine can attack OPs.
  • SecuredArea - What events can Herobrine perform in protected areas.
  • UseHeads - Herobrine can spawn/create heads.
  • UseAncientSword
  • UseNPC.Guardian
  • UseNPC.Warrior
  • UseNPC.Demon
  • ItemInHand
  • WalkingModeRadius.FromX
  • WalkingModeRadius.FromZ
  • Limit - Limit of books/heads/signs per hour.
  • UseIgnorePermission - If hb-ai.ignore permission can be enabled.

Raw config

  ShowInterval: 30000
  ShowRate: 2
  HitPlayer: true
  SendMessages: true
  Lighting: false
  DestroyTorches: true
  DestroyTorchesRadius: 5
  - world
  TotemExplodes: true
  OnlyWalkingMode: false
  BuildStuff: true
  PlaceSigns: true
  UseTotem: true
  WriteBooks: true
  Killable: false
  UsePotionEffects: true
  CaveChance: 40
  BookChance: 5
  SignChance: 5
  DeathMessage: You cannot kill me!
  - Even Notch can´t save you now!
  - Fear me!
  - Welcome to my world!
  - I am your death!
  - Grave awaits you!
  - I´m watching.
  - Death...
  - Eyes in dark...
  - White eyes in dark...
  - '... was last what I saw ...'
  - '... before i was dead.'
      count: 1
      chance: 20
  BuildPyramids: true
  UseGraveyardWorld: true
  BuryPlayers: true
  SpawnWolves: true
  SpawnBats: true
  UseWalkingMode: true
    X: 1000
    Z: 1000
    FromX: 0
    FromZ: 0
  BuildInterval: 60000
  BuildTemples: true
    Bow: true
    Sword: true
    Apple: true
  HerobrineHP: 300
  AttackCreative: true
  AttackOP: true
    Build: true
    Attack: true
    Haunt: true
    Signs: true
    Books: true
  UseHeads: true
  UseCustomItems: false
  - ItemExample
  UseAncientSword: true
    Guardian: true
    Warrior: true
    Demon: true
  ItemInHand: '97:2'
  Explosions: true
  Burn: true
  Curse: true
    Books: 1
    Signs: 1
    Heads: 1
  UseIgnorePermission: true