Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R1.0
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
- 1.6.2
- Spawn of books/signs/heads are now limited per hour. (default 1/per hour)
- Longer and better haunting. (Herobrine will no longer spawn in player or very near at a player´s position)
- Reduced number of bats and wolves on haunting.
- Improved walking AI.
- Chance of pyramide spawn has been reduced.
- New default values for ShowInterval / BuildInterval / SpawnChance.
- (config.yml)
- ShowInterval : new value 144000 / old value 30000
- BuildInterval : new value 72000/ old value 45000
- (npc.yml)
- SpawnChance of Warrior and Demon has been reduced. (from 10% to 4%)
- Ignore permission fixed.
- Fixed broken AI in WalkingMode.
- Herobrine now can´t spawn custom NPCs in other than allowed worlds.
- Events will no longer trigge on reload command.
- Fixed error with MCPC Plus on Temple spawn.