Documentation/heavyspleef 2.0/flag-values

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General Syntax of a flag command: /spleef flag <arena> <flag> <value>
If you want to remove a flag, use: /spleef flag <arena> <flag> clear

Table of flags and values:

Flag Description Type Value
anticamping Enables the anticamping feature. Players who do not move or sneak will be teleported one floor time after a configured amount of time   No value
autostart Automatically start the game when a certain amount of players is reached Integer Amount in a number
anvil-spleef Enables the anvilspleef gamemode for Spleef. Anvils will fall from above and squash you if you are being hit by one of them. The last survivor wins the game. This flag requires the AnvilSpleef add-on to be installed (See also here)   No value
bowspleef Enables the bowspleef gamemode for Spleef. Instead of digging blocks every player has to hit blocks or players with an arrow to make them fall down   No value
countdown Specifies the countdown length of a game Integer Amount in a number
countdown-titles Shows Minecraft 1.8 titles on the screen of the player while in countdown. This feature requires Minecraft 1.8 or above   No value
entry-fee Set an amount of money each player has to pay in order to play one round of spleef
This flag requires the following dependencies: Vault
Decimal Amount in a number with decimal places
entry-fee:jackpot Gives all entry-fees split up between all winners to them   No value
fireworks Enables the spawning of fireworks when a player wins the spleef game. This requires the fireworks:add flag to be set in order to define spawn locations   No value
fireworks:add Adds a spawnpoint for fireworks to the fireworks flag Location Depending on the location of the player
fireworks:remove Removes the recent set spawnpoint for fireworks   No value
freeze Freezes all players while in countdown phase   No value
itemreward Specifies an item reward each winner receives in spleef. This flag requires the itemreward:add flag to be set in order to define actual items   No value
itemreward:add Adds an item to the list of item rewards given to winners ItemStack <item id or name[:data]> <amount> "<item name>" "<item lore>"
itemreward:remove Removes the recent added item reward   No value
join-item Sets the GUI item for the InventoryJoinGUI add-on. This flag is only available when the add-on is installed. ItemStack <item id or name[:data]
leavepoint Defines a general point where players are being teleported when they leave the game Location Depending on the location of the player
lobby Defines a point where players are being teleported when they join the game Location Depending on the location of the player
lose Defines a special lose point where all players are being teleported when they lose the spleef game Location Depending on the location of the player
max-players Specifies the maximum amount of players which are able to play the game. Vip's may bypass this restriction if configured so Integer Amount in a number
min-players Specifies the minimum amount of players needed to start the game Integer Amount in a number
multi-spawn Defines multiple absolute spawnpoints for players. This flag requires the multi-spawn:add flag in order to add spawn locations for players   No value
multi-spawn:add Adds a spawn location to the list of spawn locations as defined by the multi-spawn flag Location Depending on the location of the player
multi-spawn:remove Removes the recent added spawn point from the list of spawnpoints
queuelobby This flag activates the queuelobby and also sets the teleportation point for it Location Depending on the location of the player
queuelobby:leavepoint Defines a point where players are being teleported once they leave the queue lobby Location Depending on the location of the player
regen Regenerates all floors in a specified second interval Integer Amount in seconds
reward Defines a money reward which will be given to ALL winners when winning spleef. Please note that this flag generates money and may be abused by players. If you do not want this to happen use the entry-fee and entry-fee:jackpot flag. You may also specify prices for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th... place.
This flag requires the following dependencies: Vault
IntegerList A list of prices: <1st> <2nd> <3rd> ...
Example: 50 30 10
scoreboard Activates a sidebar scoreboard which shows dead players and knockouts   No value
shears Gives all players a shear on game start   No value
shovels Gives all players a shovel on the game start   No value
showbarriers Spawns every x seconds barrier particles for 2-3 seconds to show were blocks are broken. This might be useful when having a floor consisting of barriers
This flag requires the following dependencies: ProtocolLib, Server running Minecraft 1.8 or higher
  No value
snowballs Gives a player x snowballs when breaking a block. When throwing these snowballs against a block it will disappear Integer Amount of snowballs given
spawnpoint Defines an absolute spawnpoint for all players when in countdown phase Location Depending on the location of the player
spectate Enables the spectate mode for players. Games may be spectated via /spleef spectate <game> Location Depending on the location of the player
spectate:autospectate After a player lost in spleef they are automatically spectating the game   No value
spectate:allow-fly Enables or disables the fly mode while spectating a spleef game Boolean true, yes, on, enable or false, no, off, disable
spectate:invisible All players are invisible to spleef players while spectating the game. Spectators will see each other in form of a ghost   No value
spectate:tracking Adds a tracking compass when in spectate mode, which players can right-click to spectate certain players   No value
splegg Enables the Splegg gamemode for spleef. Instead of digging blocks players have to right click their splegg launcher to shoot eggs which break blocks   No value
team Enables team games. Players are able to choose their team color when joining the game. EnumList <COLOR1 COLOR2 COLOR3 ...>
team:leatherarmor Gives each player a full set of leatherarmor with the color belonging to their team   No value
team:max-players Defines the maximum amount of players in a team game Integer Amount in a number
team:min-players Defines the minimum amount of players needed in each team to start the game Integer Amount in a number
team:scoreboard Adds a sidebar scoreboard optimized for team games   No value
team:spawnpoint Sets the spawnpoint for a certain team Location <teamcolor>
timeout Defines a timeout in seconds. When this timeout is reached the game will automatically stop Integer Timeout amount in seconds
vote Enables the vote feature for spleef games. The percentage of players who need to vote in order to start the game may be configured in the main configuration. Use /spleef vote or right click the block type as specified in the main configuration to vote for the game start   No value
winpoint Defines a special point where spleef winners are being teleported Location Depending on the location of the player
win-command Runs a command by the console on player win/lose. This flag is only available when the add-on is installed. Integer + String List   No value
win-command:set Sets the command to be run if a player achieved a certain place in the game
You may use @p for a player and @g for a game reference in the specific scenario
Integer + String Place + Command
Example: 1 say @p won the game @g!
win-command:remove Removes a command from a specific place Integer The place to remove