Thanks to phrstbin AND ManiaCraft for the code cleanup and revamp. I have merged the branch on github however I am unable to actually compile the code and put it up for download.
This adds a health bar above players heads using the ClientSide plugin and server plugin called "Spout". Usage: Literally place the .jar into your plug-ins directory and it will automagically work.
On start up the plugin automatically creates a config.yml file in the HealthBar folder. This contains the following properties: Code:
Characters: barCharacter: '|' #Character used in the bar making. Best use is if you want to change the size of the bar, type an extra pipe symbol container1: '[' #Character defining the start of the health bar container2: ']' #Character defining the end of the health bar Colors: #Self explanatory. goodHealthColor: 'a' containerColor: '9' hurtHealthColor: 'c' Permissions: usePermissions: 'false'
Change accordingly.
This plugin works with other plugins that edit the title name.
Heroes Support
Heroes support is now in the 0.8 beta release available under Files. Please use that if you use Heroes as it will not work properly. Also get back to me on any errors you find in general. Thanks :D!
To use with permissions you must have a permissions based plugin installed (recommend PermissionsBukkit) and you must set "usePermissions" as 'true' in config.yml.
Nodes: healthbar.cansee - Allows the player to see other players health bar. healthbar.reload - Allows you to reload the configuration file.
SpoutCraft - Client & Server
I've compiled a version from the repo linked from Pwornt. I've also removed Heroes support cause i didnt know what jar libs were needed. (Heroes.jar wasn't enough or too fresh)
tested with latest RB and works. credits to author and Plornt.
EDIT: works but did not update correctly, i'm trying to compile it with full libs and leaving unmodified.
EDIT2: done, now works and updates. the link is the same, just redownload
update T_T
Will this ever support health bar images? It'd be much cooler to have an ACTUAL health bar with percentages, instead of just symbols.
The main reason is because I had to reformat my entire PC. I do have backups of the source I just haven't gotten around to getting any of my java stuff setup. There was a guy who messaged me on Reddit stating he would like to pick up the project. I was able to send him over the source code. Im fairly sure he branched the source (which is still on git hub). He fixed ALOT of things which is nice. In fact ill get the link now,
Thats the code, I cannot unfortunately compile it either. So if anyone would like to do that, feel free and leave a link in the comments and Ill put it on the downloads page.
I agree. It needs to be updated for heroes 1.3 but considering the dev hasnt even done anything for it... looks like its abandoned. He also removed the source from the bukkit forums so no one can even pick it up.
Somebody should take this plug and give it a home where it will be loved, pet, and fed... or just Not INACTIVE
This is conflicting with factions, whenever you attack someone with this plugin enabled, the factions tag color changes to green.
the problem with this is that green represents an ally, so as soon as you attack any enemy they appear to be your ally.
could you add support for mobdisguise? +1
could you add support for mobdisguise? because now when somebody disguises people can still see his name D:
@ forceserver
Permissions 3.x, in all honesty, is dead. No dev will support it anymore and definatly wont add support for it, the last person to work on it has also marked it inactive and quit development.
Annoyingly, the Bukkit team are thoroughly endoursing the new "PermissionsBukkit" plugin, which ONLY supports SuperPerms. They're acting as if PeX doesn't even exist, which actually supports SuperPerms AND has a compatability for Permissions 3.x
basically what I'm saying is, PeX is the best option, it does all the new bukkit perms and can read the old Permissions 100% fine.
don't this plugin support permission 3.x ?
please update permission 3x
Could you add it in the config or maybe as a command that players can choose the colour of their '[ ]' and 'l' symbols? i think that would be really cool. It would also be good if OPs could set the colour of another player's symbols. It should also default to OPs if you dont have permissions.
Its not a part of this plugin. Its from mcMmo but as far as im aware Heroes developers are looking to implement spout and support it more. But thats just from looking in the code.
Is there any chance you can work the exp bar to also work with Heroes?
Not sure if anyone has asked for it yet, but adding sneak/crouch support would be cool.
Hehe, heroes support is now available and the EXP Bar is from mcMMO
Hey I wanted some feedback from my players about what THEY thought about this plugin. And they said they could do with a few more Screenshots if you have any. Thanks :)
Hey great work. Lol I just realized that I said look into heroes but you already are. But also is that an experience bar at the top of the screen?