Thanks to phrstbin AND ManiaCraft for the code cleanup and revamp. I have merged the branch on github however I am unable to actually compile the code and put it up for download.
This adds a health bar above players heads using the ClientSide plugin and server plugin called "Spout". Usage: Literally place the .jar into your plug-ins directory and it will automagically work.
On start up the plugin automatically creates a config.yml file in the HealthBar folder. This contains the following properties: Code:
Characters: barCharacter: '|' #Character used in the bar making. Best use is if you want to change the size of the bar, type an extra pipe symbol container1: '[' #Character defining the start of the health bar container2: ']' #Character defining the end of the health bar Colors: #Self explanatory. goodHealthColor: 'a' containerColor: '9' hurtHealthColor: 'c' Permissions: usePermissions: 'false'
Change accordingly.
This plugin works with other plugins that edit the title name.
Heroes Support
Heroes support is now in the 0.8 beta release available under Files. Please use that if you use Heroes as it will not work properly. Also get back to me on any errors you find in general. Thanks :D!
To use with permissions you must have a permissions based plugin installed (recommend PermissionsBukkit) and you must set "usePermissions" as 'true' in config.yml.
Nodes: healthbar.cansee - Allows the player to see other players health bar. healthbar.reload - Allows you to reload the configuration file.
SpoutCraft - Client & Server
Support for 1.13 or higher?
do check minecraft like games here.
any chance healthbar will be useable without spout for 1.9.4?
pretty please....
Great for RPG or MMO servers!
Are there any Minecraft alternatives to this?
I just update healthbar and the plugin dont show any more hp. But well on the npc so maby a glitch?
Craftbukkit Healthbar right here
Would Permissions EX work with it?
Need of update.
Sorry can you make a Healthbar for craftbukkit?
It doesn't work. :(
My apologies, pwornt, I looked at your profile, said you hadn't logged in for 6 months and sent a message to rmh4209 instead.
Edit: I'm not entirely sure what I want to do, currently I am leaning towards making it a separate project (As recommended by a mod), as I feel that that'd allow me more freedom.
Edit #2: I believe I have it to a state I like, I'll continue to update it, of course:
You could have just asked for control :P
I've reported this project and will likely be granted control shortly, at which point I'll post my version.
Important note: This version should be considered a beta, under all of my current tests it works perfectly, but that might not remain the case on a larger server.
Yes, I've been waiting for someone to bring this back for a while.
Would anyone still enjoy a rewrite of this plugin?
this plugin is basically dead. no update for over a year
Will it be update to 1.2.5 R4.0 ?
Hello, my server and I would appreciate it if you could update this plugin.
Thanks in advance.