
If you want to customize your health bars, read here: customization page.


    # Enable or disable player health bars.
    # It will disable even the health under the tag.
    enable: true


        # Enable or disable the bars only after or before the
        # player's tag. Doesn't disable the health under.
        enable: true

        # The style of the health bar, if text-mode is not set to true.
        # You can choose between 6 different styles (1,2,3,4,5,6).
        display-style: 1

        # Always show health bars on players.
        always-shown: false

        # Shows the health with a text after the tag:
        # for example 'Steve - 18/20'
        text-mode: false

        # The time after the bar after the tag will hide.
        hide-delay-seconds: 5

        # You can choose to use your own made bars,
        # it will override the previous setting 'text-mode'.
        use-custom-file: false


        # Enable or disable the health under the name.
        # It will be displayed on all player.
        enable: true

        # The text that will be displayed under the tag, after the health value.
        # The position cannot be changed (minecraft limitations).
        # If you want to use spaces before the text or weird symbols,
        # surround the text with single quotes (  '<3'  ).
        # <3 will be replaced by ❤.
        # You can use formatting codes.
        text: &c<3

        # Set to true if you want the plugin to make a proportion,
        # so the maximum health will be the same for all the players.
        # If disabled, the normal health of a player appears as 20.
        use-proportion: true

        # If you set this to 100, you can view the health as percentage.
        # If a player has half health, it will display 5.
        proportional-to: 10

    # Enable disabling some worlds for mob bars.
    world-disabling: false

    # A list of disabled worlds for mob bars.
    disabled-worlds: world_nether,world_the_end


    # Choose to enable or disable mob health bar.
    enable: true

    # The style for the bar. You can choose between 3 style (1,2,3).
    display-style: 1

    # Always show health bars on all the valid mobs.
    always-shown: false

    # Use text instead of bar.
    text-mode: false

    # Use your custom text, you will need to set 'text-mode: true'
    custom-text-enable: false

    # The custom text: you can use these placeholder:
    # {name} = the name of the mob hit.
    # {health} = the current health.
    # {max} = the maximum health.
    # <3 = a hearth symbol (❤)
    # &4 / &n / &k ... = all the formatting codes.
    # For example this will be displayed as 'Creeper - 16/20'
    custom-text: '{name} - &a{health}/{max}'

    # The time after the bar will hide.
    hide-delay-seconds: 5

    # If enabled, health bars on mobs will be shown only if
    # the player looks directly at him.
    show-only-if-looking: false

    # Enable disabling some worlds for mob bars.
    world-disabling: false

    # A list of disabled worlds for mob bars.
    disabled-worlds: world_nether,world_the_end

    # You can choose to use your own made bars, it will override the previous settings.
    use-custom-file: false

    # Enable or disable the mob type filter.
    type-disabling: false
    # If type disabling is enabled, these mobs won't show the health.
    # The names are the same in locale.yml
    disabled-types: creeper,zombie,skeleton,iron_golem

# If you have the plugin EpicBoss, enable this to display the correct health on bosses.
    epicboss: false

# Disable this if you have other plugins that changes the tab names.
# Otherwise, the health bars will be show here.
fix-tab-names: true

# Fix for all the deaths, prevents the health bars 
# to be displayed in the messages.
# Disable if you have other plugins to handle them.
fix-death-messages: true

# Receive update notification at server start-up.
# If you disable this, you can still use /hbr update command.
update-notification: true

# If you have the plugin EpicBoss, enable this to display the correct health on bosses.
hook-epicboss: false

# If you enable this, give the correct permissions to players
# to see the health bar on other players.
# It will send a fake empty scoreboard to players without permissions, use this carefully.
use-player-bar-permissions: false

# This is a temporary fix for other plugin like MobArena overriding player health bars when in the arena. Enable this to fix, HealthBar will try to take over other scoreboards from other plugins.
override-other-scoreboard: false