Supported Bukkit Versions
- Added configuration option to cause HeadshotEffects only when arrows are the projectile, or when any projectile is used
- This option, 'UseAllProjectiles', is set to false by default, so only arrows will cause HeadshotEffects
- Your configuration will need to be deleted and reloaded to include this option, or you can add it manually
- Added configuration version checking
- HeadshotEffects now logs warnins when enabled if the configuration is out of date
- It will also notify admins (those with 'headshoteffects.reload' perm) when they log in if the configuration is out of date
- The configuration version can also be checked via '/headshoteffects' which will say "out of date" if the config is as such
- Overhauled /headshoteffects command
- Now displays plugin version, config version, if the config is out of date, and command info