This Bukkit Plugin will allow you to make headshots on other players (and mobs!) and do more damage (Using your bow and arrow(s) of course.)! I know there a lot of other plugins that are just like this and it isn't hard to make, but a lot of those plugins are either outdated or they have a lot of extra stuff that comes with it that you don't even want. This plugin is simple. No commands. No hassle. Just a simple permission and config. It just a configurable amount of damage on headshot, tells you if you got a headshot, and who you got it on. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
To install
Download the Headshoots.jar. Then put it into your plugins folder. Finally, reload your server to begin giving players a headache with your awesome skills!
Multiplier: 2 This is the amount that headshots will be multiplied by. Default: 2
Permissions: For users to be able to headshot others, they must have the "headshoots.use" permission node!
TellMultiplier: 'true' This will tell the player what their damage was multiplied by.
Blood: 'true' If this is true, it will make blood-like particles come off a player when headshotted.
Warn: 'true' If this is true, it will notify an operator when they long in that there is a new update available.
A short video by WoopaGaming just showing the plugin off. :3
Click me to go to the more in-depth video! (In Portuguese)
Show your support to the plugin creator (Me, EpicPie11)!
Make sure to check out my other plugins!
Chance of dizziness is in McMMO, so you could use that... and I'll take those ideas in consideration...
Just being extremely lazy and not updating, I'll see what I can do while I have an entire week off from school. :)
i have one request for this mod, and please add or make in configurable, maybe if u get shot in the head, you have a chance of getting dizzy or something, and also, if an arrow hits your foot, it has a chance to make you be slower unless your wearing boots.
Ah, well, I can't really help you without any info. Sorry.
Well, I really don't know how to give more information like that. Because i don't have any more information. I'm very sorry bothering you.
Still trying to figure out that part... Expect it sometime this year. :3
I've also just been really lazy...
ETA on configurable damage?
Thanks everyone who downloaded! As of today I have over 600 downloads! This is a real accomplishment for me because, this is the first I plugin I publicly released and it's already growing more and more! I just thought a thanks was needed to all who us this plugin.
Well, can you give me any sort of information?
Nope, the plugin just isn't there wen i do /pl
Do you get an error in the console?
Awesome plugin, used this for a while but now i can't seem to get this to work.
Uploaded version 2. I think Bukkit's still approving it...
Over 100 downloads?! :D I got that new PC, I just forgot to take my code and move it over to this one. Oh well, this gives me a chance to clean up my code a bit by starting over. I also noticed that it make snowballs do damage on a headshot... I'll fix this immediately.
I'll see what I can do about making the damage configurable, but I can't work on it right now, because eclipse (A java coding software I use) keeps telling me "Can not find Java Virtual Machine" whenever I try to launch it. On the bright side, I'm suppose to be getting a new better computer soon, so the error I get on this computer won't really matter.
Oh, alright, thanks for helping, I'm new to making plugins. :P I'm compiling with Java 1.7 I think. EDIT: I had the latest version...
That error says that you're using an incompatible version of Java.
You might want to compile for at least Java 1.6 if you aren't already.
Anyways, nice plugin! Definitely going to be using it.
As you can see in the log I run CB 1.4.6-R0.3. I uninstalled every other plugin I have but it still doesn't work. If it matters, I run the server on OSX 10.8.2 and Java 1.7.0_10-b18.
What version of Bukkit are you using, and what other plugins do you have? It works fine for me.
It doesn't work for me: