
HCLives 2.0

HCLives is back but with hopefully no bugs and now an active updater who is willing to put in ideas you guys have been waititng for! Here's the link to the old HCLives page if you haven't seen it already: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/hclives/

We have a GitHub!

Instead of not having any idea how the code works our team has decided to allow you to have access to the code behind the plugin. I've learned from many people that have generously given their code and I hope you can learn from mine. The link is right here: https://github.com/rocketrobot3/HCLives2.0


This plugin, HCLives, allows you to have your players have a specific amount of lives. Each time they die they lose a life. Once they lose all their lives they will be banned for a certain amount of time pre-determined in the config. After the time is up they will be unbanned. I've made HCLives in the past but I had problems with it and didnt like the way I did it so I bring the bukkit dev community my new and improved HCLives2.0 hopefully with not as many bugs.

How to install!

Just drag the .jar linked on the download page into your plugins folder on your server and run the server. Once you have started the server the folder "HCLives" should appear with a config.yml, lives.yml, and exempt.yml files waiting to be modified.


There are only two permission for simple use. - hclives.admin (Allows access to commands that can modify and check other player's lives) - hclives.user (Allows checking of their lives.)


Now there are new features to allow you and your fellow staff members to not have to partake in this kind of hard core survival. Just use /hclives exempt and you can even target a player!


There are some new commands to help you with what you need. Note: (Without the player argument it affects the command sender)

  • /hclives getlives <Player>
  • /hclives exempt <Player>
  • /hclives unexempt <Player>
  • /hclives setlives <#> (Sets the command sender's own lives)
  • /hclives setlives <Player> <#> (Sets specified player's lives)
  • /hclives reload
  • /hclives listexempt

Note: I will be making changes to the layout and color of the Messages and yes I do understand it's very boring in it's current state but it's meant to be mostly functional at this stage so not having those fancy colors is fine for now.


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