

Apart from the Web Interface, there are in-game commands for searching HawkEye. You can get a list of commands in game by typing /hawk or /hawk help. All commands except /hawk tpto, /hawk rollback, /hawk here and /hawk undo work in the console as well (without the '/').

If /hawk is too long, you can use any of these aliases:

  • /ha
  • /hk
  • /he

Quick Reference

/hawk helpLists all HawkEye commands
/hawk toolEnables/Disables the HawkEye tool
/hawk search <parameters>Searches for data that matches specified parameters
/hawk page <number>Displays the inputted page number from the previous search results
/hawk tpto <id>Teleports you to the location of the specified result id
/hawk here (radius)Shows all physical changes in a radius around you
/hawk preview <parameters>Preview the effects of a rollback before applying them
/hawk applyApply a /hawk preview
/hawk cancelCancel a /hawk preview
/hawk rollback <parameters>Rolls back changes according to your parameters
/hawk undoReverses your last rollback

/hawk search <parameters>

Searches for data that matches specified parameters.

There are 7 parameters you can use - a: p: w: l: r: f: t:. You need to supply at least one of them.

  • Action a: - list of actions separated by commas. Type /hawk help search in-game for a list of actions
  • Player p: - list of players to search for separated by commas. Supports partial names.
  • World w: - list of worlds to search in separated by commas.
  • Filter f: - list of keywords/filters to check against
  • Location l: - location in the format x,y,z. You can also do l:here to supply your current location
  • Radius r: - number of blocks to search around the location if it is supplied
  • -> r:we - uses your current worldedit selection
  • Time t: - time bracket to search in. Use one of the following formats:
  • -> t:4w2d10h45m10s - searches back specified amount of time
  • -> t:2011-06-02,10:45:10 - searches from specified date to current date
  • -> t:2011-06-02,10:45:10,2011-07-04,18:15:00 - searches from first date to second


  • /hawk search p:oliverw92 w:pvpworld a:join t:1d12h <- see when oliverw92 joined in the last day and 12 hours on pvpworld
  • /hawk search p:oliverw92,hacattack300 a:chat t:2011-06-02,21:30:00,2011-06,05,09:45:00 <- see what two players said between two times
  • /hawk search p:SgtSpike l:100,64,-250 r:10 a:block-break,block-place <- see what SgtSpike broke and placed within 10 blocks of the specified location
  • /hawk search p:oliverw92 a:command f:/i,/give,/ixrai <- see if oliverw92 has useds any commands containing the filters supplied
  • /hawk search a:block-break r:we t:20m <- Searches for all blocks broken within your worldedit selection in the past 20 minutes

/hawk tool

Enables/disables the HawkEye tool. The block used for this can be specified in config.yml. By default it is a log

  • Punch a block to see all changes to the clicked block (i.e. see who placed that block)
  • Place the tool to see all changes in that location (i.e. see who broke that block)

If the user does not have the tool block already in their inventory, they will be given one.

/hawk rollback <parameters>

Rolls back changes according to your parameters.

There are 5 parameters you can use - a: p: r: f: t:. You need to supply at least one of them.

  • Action a: - list of actions separated by commas. Select from the following: block-break, block-place, lava-bucket, water-bucket, explosion, block-burn, snow-form, leaf-decay
  • Player p: - list of players to rollback separated by commas. Supports partial names
  • World w: - list of worlds to search in separated by commas.
  • Filter f: - list of keywords/filters to check against
  • Location l: - location in the format x,y,z. You can also do l:here to supply your current location
  • Radius r: - number of blocks to rollback around the location if it is supplied
  • -> r:we - rolls back the area in your worldedit selection
  • Time t: - time bracket to rollback in. Use one of the following formats:
  • -> t:4w2d10h45m10s - rollbacks back specified amount of time
  • -> t:2011-06-02,10:45:10 - rollbacks from specified date to current date
  • -> t:2011-06-02,10:45:10,2011-07-04,18:15:00 - rollbacks from first date to second


  • /hawk rollback p:oliverw92 r:20 <- rollback everything oliverw92 has done in a 20 block radius
  • /hawk rollback p:SgtSpike t:20m f:1 <- rollback all changes involving stone (id 1) in the last 20 minutes
  • /hawk rollback p:coffeejunky,oliverw92 t:2w2d <- cj and oli have been griefing for the last 2 weeks, undo everything they have done!
  • /hawk rollback a:block-place p:Hacattack3000 f:46,7 <- hacattack went on a tnt and bedrock placing rampage, remove only those blocks he has placed
  • /hawk rollback a:explosion p:Environment r:20 <- fix a creeper or tnt blowing something up in the surrounding 20 blocks
  • /hawk rollback a:snow-form r:100 <- minecraft decided to snow on your property, get rid of it!
  • /hawk rollback a:block-break,leaf-decay p:Jacca,Environment id:17,18 r:50 <- jacca broke the wood in your treehouse which made the leaves decay, fix his block break and the leaf decay in one command
  • /hawk rollback p:GoalieGuy6 a:block-place r:we <- rollback all blocks placed by GoalieGuy6 in your current worldedit selection

/hawk preview <parameters>

Preview the effects of a rollback before applying them. The rollback is only shown to you and does not affect the real minecraft world.

/hawk apply

Apply a /hawk preview to the real minecraft world

/hawk cancel

Cancel a /hawk preview and restore your local world to normal

/hawk here <radius>

Shows all physical changes in a radius around you

/hawk page <pagenum>

Displays the inputted page number from the previous search results


  • /hawk page 1 <- displays page 1

/hawk tpto <resultid>

Teleports you to the location of the specified result id. The ID is the first value listed in the results table given by /hawk search or /hawk page, or the ID from the HawkEye web interface


  • /hawk tpto 415 <- teleports you to the location of result 415

/hawk undo

Undoes your last rollback perfectly (i.e. if you rollback the wrong thing, all is not lost!)

/hawk help

Displays help information for all the commands


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