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What is the problem?Hawkeye 1.0.7b doesn't work with Vault 1.2.18-b229, tells ops and everybody that they don't have permission for any command other than help. Earlier versions (1.2.17-b224) of Vault worked fine.What steps will reproduce the problem?1. install Hawkeye 1.0.7b and Vault 1.2.18-b2292. try any /ha command other than /ha help3. get error message
What version of HawkEye are you using (shown in console during start-up)?HawkEye v1.0.7b
Show me any console errors and/or your start-up console message for HawkEyeno errors in server.log, only errors are permission errors displayed in client
Show me your config.yml and/or your config.php (REMOVE YOUR PASSWORD)log: lava-bucket: true water-bucket: true painting-place: true pvp-death: true mob-death: true other-death: true command: true chat: true join: true quit: true door-interact: true open-container: true container-transaction: true item-pickup: true item-drop: true button: true teleport: true lever: true sign-place: true sign-break: true painting-break: true flint-steel: true block-place: true block-break: true block-burn: true block-fade: true block-form: true leaf-decay: true mushroom-grow: true tree-grow: true water-flow: false lava-flow: false explosion: true enderman-pickup: true enderman-place: true entity-kill: true other: truegeneral: max-lines: 0 log-item-drops-on-death: true cleanse-period: 20m cleanse-age: 0 delete-data-on-rollback: true log-ip-addresses: false debug: false max-radius: 0 give-user-tool: true tool-block: '17' default-here-radius: 5 default-tool-command: '' check-for-updates: true op-permissions: falsemysql: hawkeye-table: hawkeye port: 3306 player-table: hawk_players username: world-table: hawk_worlds hostname: max-connections: 10 password: database:ignore-worlds: []version: 1.0.7bcommand-filter:- /login- /restartsrv- /registerblock-filter:- 140- 150
Have you checked the FAQ page?
Any chance of getting this fixed? Not being able to run the latest Vault is causing problems with other plugins.
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