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What is the problem?items in chest doesn't rollback.
What steps will reproduce the problem?1./ha rollback r:10 and it rollbacks the chest block, but not the items inside., it's an empty chest.
What version of HawkEye are you using (shown in console during start-up)?1.0.7b
Show me any console errors and/or your start-up console message for HawkEyenothing
Show me your config.yml and/or your config.php (REMOVE YOUR PASSWORD)log: lava-bucket: true water-bucket: true painting-place: false pvp-death: true mob-death: true other-death: true command: true chat: true join: true quit: true door-interact: true open-container: false container-transaction: true item-pickup: true item-drop: true button: true teleport: true lever: true sign-place: true sign-break: true painting-break: true flint-steel: true block-place: true block-break: true block-burn: true block-fade: true block-form: true leaf-decay: false mushroom-grow: false tree-grow: false water-flow: false lava-flow: true explosion: true enderman-pickup: false enderman-place: false entity-kill: true other: truegeneral: max-lines: 0 log-item-drops-on-death: true cleanse-period: 720m cleanse-age: 0 delete-data-on-rollback: true log-ip-addresses: true debug: false max-radius: 50 give-user-tool: false tool-block: '17' default-here-radius: 10 default-tool-command: '' check-for-updates: true op-permissions: falsemysql: hawkeye-table: hawkeye port: 3306 player-table: hawk_players username: xxx world-table: hawk_worlds hostname: localhost max-connections: 10 password: xxx- database: xxxignore-worlds:- world_the_endversion: 1.0.7bcommand-filter:- /loginblock-filter:- 5000
yes chest contents do not rollback its fairly annoying
Still isn't working the way it should :/
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