HawkEye Reloaded
HawkEye Reloaded is still under active development! Due to many table altering changes we've been making, we've only been uploading new releases to our Jenkins Development build website.
Bukkit 1.7.10 / Spigot 1.8 Users
The current builds on bukkitdev are mostly outdated for builds 1.7.10 and above. I highly recommend you download a development build to avoid issue!
HawkEye reloaded is a continuation of the beloved former "Hawkeye", which is now completely inactive. It gives you the ability to log changes, search through them, roll edits back and much, much more.
- Logging of over 45 different actions
- Worldedit logging
- Smart logging
- Smart rollback/block restoral
- Block filter to avoid logging unwanted material
- Rollback commands with simple-to-use parameters
- Advanced interactive web interface for viewing logs
- Rollback previews - have the rollback only appear to you at first
- WorldEdit selection rollbacks - rollback everything in your WE selection
- Configurable search tool to quickly see edits on single blocks
- Simple, and easy to learn parameters
- Fast efficient logging
- API so other plugins can interact with the HawkEye database
Command List
Command | Description |
/he help <Command> | Provides help for the specified command |
/he | Displays a page showing all HawkEye related commands |
/he tool bind | Binds the custom parameters to the tool |
/he tool reset | Resets tool to default properties |
/he tool | Toggles the searching tool |
/he search <parameters> | Searches the HawkEye database |
/he page <page> | Displays a page from your last search |
/he tpto <id> | Teleport to the location of the data entry |
/he here <radius> <player> | Searches around you |
/he preview apply | Apply the rollback preview |
/he preview cancel | Cancel the rollback preview |
/he preview <parameters> | Preview the rollback changes |
/he rollback <parameters> | Rollback specified changes |
/he undo | Reverses your previous rollback |
/he rebuild | Re-apply specified changes |
/he delete | Deletes specified data entries |
/he info | Display important information |
/he writelog <parameters> | Write results to a log |
Permission List
Node | Description |
hawkeye.* | Access to all HawkEye commands |
hawkeye.page | Permission to view different pages |
hawkeye.search | Permission to search the HawkEye database |
hawkeye.search.<action> | Specific node to search HawkEye database |
hawkeye.tpto | Permission to teleport to the location of a search result |
hawkeye.rollback | Permission to rollback actions |
hawkeye.tool | Permission to use the HawkEye tool |
hawkeye.tool.bind | Permission to bind parameters to the tool |
hawkeye.preview | Permission to preview a rollback before applying it |
hawkeye.rebuild | Permission to rebuild actions |
hawkeye.info | Permission to view info |
hawkeye.writelog | Permission to writelog |
- Latest RB of bukkit
- MySQL database (Your host should provide you with one)
- (optional) WebServer (if you want to run the Web Interface)
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Still have a question?
Still have a question?
Here is an extra help page, which contains things like, format, importation, and errors. If nothing helps, feel free to open a Ticket, explaining your problem will help us recreate, and fix the issue.
Want to Donate?
Want to Donate?
All the donations go directly to the former author oliverw92
I am currently very busy and cannot answer any questions.. I will try to keep all my plugins updated during my absence
Absolutely loving that this fantastic tool is getting a bit spiffed up and will have a support stream in case of future breaking updates (I feel we've lucked out that it just keeps on working update after update). Thank you.
To see it rollback diodes, pistons, and stairs in the placed orientation rather than always-one direction, brings a tear to my eye, glad to see that is working exceptionally well.
And chest interaction rollbacks - excellent to see they're... almost working. I have been doing tests on a test server before implimenting this plugin on my real server. Restoration of chest contents is going to be a big bonus. However, my test scenarios show the following regarding data-value containing items.
Setup: Put diamonds, gold, iron, dirt, dpick, dsword, red wool, blue wool, green wool, yellow wool, birch sapling, red dye, orange dye, blue dye into a chest. Have another player remove all the contents and transfer them into a second chest.
When this player is rolledback, the first chest contains the diamonds, gold, iron, dirt, pick and sword. And 4 white wool, a regular sapling, and 3 inksacs.
The second chest has the diamonds, gold, iron, dirt, pick and sword removed that he transferred to it, but it still retains the red, blue, green and yellow wool, red dye, orange dye, and blue dye, and birch sapling.
I did this thorough test with the dev-version #24 build after doing some prelim testing on the release version, and seeing much notes about the devs having various fixes.
i have a problem with the web interface if i try to load information by searching it doesn't load.
considering Hawkeye databases records/stores alot of data, you need like maybe a 2mb mysql DB atleast. Try turn some options to false to save space and do weekly clean ups if you can't hold much info
Dont worry, the old one from Oliver, with your Item List works great.
you need to setup the config to log only the necessary .. and setup to clean old logs ...
Hi, i was wondering how large the MySQL server should be, like Our public server is down cuz the plugin has used all the space on the current Server, also is there a way to have it save the files on the server's HDD cuz we have a 1TB HDD and only a 0.5 GB MySQL :(
Thanks in advance -jacob
old ? new ?... what you talk about... this interface is the old hawkeye interface only items.txt change. Try change back the items.txt to the old one
yes I got both hawkeyes installed on my webhost, and both have identical mysql info, but only the old one from oliver works, the updated one logs in etc but doesnt pull information
I have a 11gb log file ahaha. But, if you feel it's time for a trim, use: /he delete (params) t:date.time,date.time
I havent been using cleanse, and currently have around 60 million records.. whats the best way to trim that down a bit? :)
Have you entered your MySQL information in the config.php?
ok BOB the latest dev hawk works on 1.3.1, how ever the problem is that the latest web interface by you guys, doesnt pull any information what so ever, it can search and connect, just not pull any info
How far is the Worldedit logging feature? :D
Ok i will try it and get back to you if it doesn't work
edit: im still not happy about the "All the donations go directly to the former author oliverw92" it should go to the current maintainers...
Amount of edits in radius by playername. Just to get names of players who has editited here. Or may be a minus tag. To blacklist unwanted search results.
What do you mean? I'm using the latest DEV on a 1.3.1 server to and it works good :P?
I just realized latest "for CB 1.3.2-R1.0 Oct 04, 2012" while I'm running a server on 1.3.1 doesn't work for me, just to let you know, I will be used the older jar.
@Dragonrulz Most bukkit plugins work on tekkit, and I remember many Tekkit admins saying Hawkeye works
What do you mean? You want a command that counts the amount of entries by player name?
If you could make this compatible for tekkit it would be really cool
>Never know?
Also, would be nice to know nicknames of people who done edits. For example." /ha search r:30 a:containter-transaction p:?". And it's gonna print out smth like
"Player (30) (Means amount of edits), Username (42)" and so on. Loved this feature at BigBrother.
I never knew about the caps issue, I'll have to look into it, hopefully it isn't a bukkit issue. And as for the changelog.. We have fixed/added a lot of new features, the whole point of taking over this project was to maintain, and add to it.
We've even added worledit logging within our private builds, this feature may not be released due to how much it has to log at ounce.