Hardcore Respawn
Hardcore Respawn
What is it?
Hardcore respawn is a server plugin for Hardcore servers. This plugin adds some functions to the game.
How to install?
This plugin is so easy to install a rabbit can do it! Just put the HardcoreRespawn.jar in your plugins folder and reload/restart the server! It's as easy as that.
How does it work?
Well it is really easy! When the player dies and he had 2 or more diamonds in his inventory, he will respawn and he will get a menu popped at his face. At the menu you can choose if you want to life, or want to die in peace. If you choose life you will lose 2 diamonds!
Does it break any other plugins?
As of now there are none people who said this broke a plugin.
Known bugs
There are none bugs found at the moment, if you found a bug please report it!
Thank you
Thank you for downloading! This is my 2nd plugin that I got released!
Would it be possible to add a permissions to this so that only players with the permission are allowed to view this menu after death?
I will add a config in the future pretty soon!
Are you using java 7?
It isn't working I get a Error : InvalidPluginExeption -> Could not load "plugins/HardcoreRespawn.jar"
I will definitely get this if you add a config in which we can change the cost of life.
were is the download link
Hey can you PM me the code you used to make a chect like invintory like the one in the picture.
Assuming english is not your language or you just made a typo.
Live not Life.