How do i find the config.yml #18

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Assigned to _ForgeUser7892108
  • _ForgeUser7810846 created this issue May 17, 2013

    Hey I've recently come across your plugin and thought it was perfect for my new pvp/Hardcore Server. I am running my server from the MCProHosting Multicraft Server Provider, not on my own computer. When I downloaded the plugin all I received was the HardCoreWorld.jar. WHat I want to know is where do I find the config.yml, ban.yml, and mobdifficulty.yml. I can't find those and therefore I can't do anything with your plugin. Thanks for your time and I would very much appreciate it if you could get me back a response very soon since my server is going up for BETA Testing on the 24th of this month. Thanks Again

  • _ForgeUser7810846 added the tags New Other May 17, 2013
  • Timtower posted a comment Jun 12, 2013

    You know that all those files will be generated by the plugin itself and that the plugin is dead for about an year now?

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